Elizabeth Sekora credited as playing...
- Cindy: I don't know what I'm gonna do. I can't believe I was laid off. I mean we were doing some of the most important ecological work at that company. The research we were doing was going to solve everyone's energy problems, and we couldn't get government support! They're not gonna hire any of us back at this point. I have this baby! How am I gonna support her if I'm all alone?
- Amber: You'll find something. You're my twin sister. You're pretty, and smart. You're *hot*! We're hot!
- Cindy: You know, there's just no way though that I'm going to find anything half as interesting. Especially in this economy?
- Amber: Become a stripper! An escort! You'd be great at that!
- Cindy: I can't become an escort!
- Amber: You may not have a choice! Look, I have someone that I can hook you up with, just to get you started. And you can lie to everyone like all the other girls do. They tell their friends that they're in various forms of business but they really are not! They're strippers or escorts! It's their big secret in Sin City!
- Cindy: I'm getting kind of desperate...
- Boy on Bike: Wow!
- [Falls off his bike. They laugh at him and walk away]
- Boy on Bike: Wooow!
- Solar Company Manager: I'm sorry, but due to the poor economy we're gonna have to lay you off. Along with some other staff members. We all had the best of intentions of improving the nation's sustainable energy systems and environment but, the corruption and greed of big business and government just won't let it happen. We're all very disappointed.
- Cindy: Yeah it's always the government and lawyers that prevent progress!
- Amber: Very hot. I'd like to do any of these two guys at the same time.
- Cindy: What? Ugh.
- Gang Member: Hell yeah! I'll do her! Daamn! Twins!