Neil Breen is a writer, director, producer and the star in several movies of his own making. This is one of them.
There's a certain secret to watching a Neil Breen movie and that is, "just go with it". Trust me because otherwise you will be sitting there why is this scene happening and what was Neil Breen on when he wrote it. Trying to figure out what goes on in a Neil Breen movie leads to madness.
In this movie Neil Breen plays a secret agent / hacker / bio-weapon that is capable of curing brain cancer and using several laptops at once. These laptops are scattered all over the desert where a large majority of the movie takes place.
And really that's it. You can watch this movie and not really get the plot assuming there is one and he didn't just go all Scott Shaw on us and give it the "Zen film making technique" where there's no script, the loosest concept of a plot and you only act when the moment feels right.
Nobody in this, or any of his other movies, can act including Neil. It's like he got a bunch of amateurs together and let them loose.
Don't bother with this one, or any of his other movies, unless you are looking for something that it truly incomprehensible.