S1.E1 ∙ TortoiseSun, Mar 22, 2020'Cryogenics deals with the production of extreme low temperature, and the effects of those temperatures. I'm talking about cryonics. And that deals very specifically with one thing.'Rate
S1.E2 ∙ The Golden BulletSun, Mar 29, 2020'Overhead doesn't just buy patents. We buy every other company that buys patents. We own ideas, that's the point.'Rate
S1.E3 ∙ The PicnicWed, Apr 1, 2020'How are we supposed to sleep when all we can think about is waking someone up?'Rate
S1.E9 ∙ While You Were Hypersleeping: Part ThreeSun, Dec 13, 2020'He's the ticket. For me, for you, for everything.'Rate