The film "Fresh Kills" delves into the criminal underworld of late 1980s Staten Island, with a focus on the women who hold pivotal roles behind the powerful mafia kingpin Joe (Domenick Lambardozzi). Directed by Jennifer Esposito, this award-winning drama unfolds through the perspectives of three women: Francine (Jennifer Esposito): As the devoted yet imperfect matriarch of the Larusso family, Francine's loyalty to the criminal world remains steadfast, even as she grapples with her own imperfections. Connie (Odessa A'zion): The brazen and outspoken daughter unexpectedly becomes entangled in the mafia's affairs. Her role proves essential to the unfolding narrative. The youngest daughter, Rose (Emily Bader), is reserved and discovers her father's criminal ties. Her journey from innocence to awareness becomes a central arc in the film.
As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, "Fresh Kills" weaves a gripping tale of crime, family dynamics, and consequences.