What does the name TRU TV conjure up? Let's stop and think of it for a moment. Does it bring up thoughts of SCRIPTED series trying to pose as real ;ife situations? It sure as H E double hockey stick doesn't for me.
Now on to Southern Fried STings. One episode had a either a DJ or talk show host (I can't remember which) at a radio station getting threats against his life. OK, so far so good. The ITSY BITSY problem I had was when they showed the frequency of the radio station: 90.4 (or something where the number to the right of the decimal was an EVEN number). Here inn the United States that # to the right is ALWAYS an odd number (1,3,5,7 or 9). When I saw that any hope that this was a real deal flew right out the window.
Someone on another show on this sight said "The '50s was the Golden Age of TV. We are now in the Dark Ages." I completely agree. Thank Goodness for the Internet!!!