The perfect feel good movie. If you ever feel depressed then start watching this, guranteed you will get your mood back. It's a linear storyline without any major twist or turn. You would know what's coming next but still would want watch to get the fun. I don't know how many times I have watched it, but still never gets old.
The story is simple, a handsome bachelor with a good job being chased by dad's of wanna-be brides, and how his sreet-smart elder brother handles the situation. There is some social messaging which probably is still somewhat relevant outside the metro life. But the jouorney is hilarious. Acting could feel little over the place from some casts, but it was commonplace back in those days (even today you get overacting in masala films). So, don't complain. The real hero here is the screenplay and how flawlessly the director handles it. Songs are as ussual good. Finally the Mahanayak, he brings a charm that is unmatched. Love this flick!