Dom and Brian were dragging the vault out of the Police Station behind their cars, on their first turn to right, the vault rolled over three or four times hence causing the attached strings to entangle. However in the next scene the strings were not entangled but straightly connected to the cars. The same mistake was made repeatedly during the pursuit.
For opening the safe, Reyes' right hand print is needed, but it is his left hand on Gisele's bikini bottom that is used.
When Toretto sees Elena wearing his cross, the chain is short, holding the necklace at the hollow of her throat, so he can see it at the opening of her collar. When she returns home, the chain is long, causing to cause the cross to sit below the neckline of her tank top, which would have been well out of sight.
When Hobbs is fighting Dom he is wearing a black spandex shirt. After the fight, there is a logo on his chest, on the right. The next scene it disappears, only to reappear a few scenes later.
On the bridge, when Agent Hobbs and Elena come out of their vehicle, both slam their respective doors, but in the subsequent scene, one of the doors is open.
With 18 inch thick steel plates and a copper core, the safe would weight well over 10 tons, impossible for two mid-weight class cars to pull. The safe used for filming weighed less than a ton.
In the casino scene, the roulette wheel is shown as having two zeroes, but roulette wheels in Monaco have only one zero.
Reyes' explanation for why Portuguese is spoken in Brazil is historically incorrect. It had to do with the dividing up of the New World between the Spaniards and the Portuguese, overseen by the pope. Brazil, being the furthest east, fell under the rule of the Portuguese. All countries to the west, including those in North America, were under the rule of the Spanish.
Dwayne Johnson's character calls the stolen 2006 Ford GT a GT40. The GT40 is the predecessor to the GT, and acquired its name due to it only being 40 inches tall. The GT is 44.5 inches tall, thus being the reason for the name change between generations.
Officer Neves fact sheet contains several errors.
1-Height and weight data are transposed.
2-Wrong height and weight data. Should be in metric units.
3-Dates should be in day, month, and year order.
When Vince extracts the chip from the car we see the electric contacts are just next to his fingers. This is incorrect; the chip should have been installed by the production team with the contacts on the opposite side to his fingers.
Nearly the whole time that Elena is wearing Dom/Letty's cross necklace, it is very short around her neck. If it were this short in reality, Dom could never wear it; it would practically choke him if he could get it on at all. But when Elena returns to her home right after she and the others try to arrest Dom and Brian, it is much longer, hanging at breast length. But even that would be too short for her to have doubled around her neck before.
When Dom goes to a street race in Rio to try and win the fast blue car from his friend Diogo, Diogo says having Toretto's car in his garage would be a "troféu massa". The subtitle reveals this to mean "a cool trophy", but "massa" is slang for "cool" only in some parts of Brazil but in Rio, "massa" means pasta, which would make no sense.
When Toretto is fighting with Hobbs they both break out of a window. When Mia calls Toretto the first time her mouth isn't moving.
When the police chief enters the evidence room after the vault is stolen, Hobbs punches him in the face from outside the frame on the right, knocking him to the ground. When this occurs, the viewer can easily see a boxing glove on the right side of the frame before it cuts to Neves telling him to stay down.
(around 2 hr. and 1 min.) Camera crew reflected on Dom's car door as he gets out.
Just before Mia and Brian jump off the roof, a cameraman is visible in the bottom right corner.
At about 35:45 (after Mia says "Dom?"), the boom mic shadow is clearly seen on the reflection of Dom's head.
Most of the actors that spoke Brazilian Portuguese, in fact they have a Spanish accent and they don't speak a natural Brazilian accent
In the final bridge scene, while Dom is smashing cars with the safe, a speed limit sign that says "Velocidad Maxima 55" is visible, which is clearly a speed limit sign in Puerto Rico. This scene is filmed there but is supposed to take place in Rio de Janeiro, where speed limit signs would be a number within a red circle, with the words "Fiscalização Eletrônica".
The train at the beginning is not a Brazilian train. There are no deserts or arid places in Brazil.
During the final chase, you can see three kinds of police cars: Civilian Police (black and white), Military Police (blue and white) and Federal Highway Police (yellow and blue). You will not find Federal Highway Police cars inside the cities, they only patrol the interstate highways.
Reyes has no reason to open his safe the first time we see it. He asks whether all of his money is in his safe as if he wasn't present when the money was previously deposited off-screen. He's supposed to be the only one able to open his safe.
When Hobbs' team arrest Dom and his crew and are ambushed by Reyes' goons there is no reason for Reyes to intercept them. Hobbs would have taken Dom and his crew to America, thereby removing the threat to his money. You could argue that he wants revenge for the money that Dom burned earlier in the film but Reyes showed he was happy to walk away from a fight if it made business sense when he was talking to the two gangsters early on in the film.
After Brian shoots Zizi, we see wrecked Toyota Sequoia and Mitsubishi Pajero (which belong to Reyes's henchmen). However we never see Dom use the vault to destroy these two vehicles.
Among the places Mia suggests fleeing to to avoid extradition are Japan and Hong Kong. In fact, both governments have extradition treaties with the U.S.
Roman claims his car is 1 of only 4 in the world and Tej claims to own the 2nd, Roman's car is a Koenigsegg CCXR SPECIAL EDITION (1-of-2) and Tej's car is a Koenigsegg CCXR (1-of-many). For Roman and Tej to be correct they wold both need to own the Koenigsegg CCXR EDITION (1-of-4).
When raiding Toretto's hideaway, Hobbs claims that he found it by tracing the tracker's receiver. A mere receiver is a passive device that sends no signals and therefore would be impossible to trace. Why does a tracker have a receiver? It's not like they're going to talk to it. He meant that he traced the tracker with his receiver, which makes way more sense.
Tej says with his money he wants to open a garage back home. But in 2Fast 2Furious Tej owns his own garage.
Han asks Gisele about her time in the army and then explains that her move with a gun was a "classic Mossad move." Mossad is not part of the Israeli army.