Steven Mackintosh credited as playing...
Peter Mandelson
- [as Mo Mowlam comes out of the Commons, Peter Mandelson is waiting for her]
- Mo Mowlam: What are you doing here?
- Peter Mandelson: Observing the Northern Ireland debate.
- Mo Mowlam: What the fuck for?
- Peter Mandelson: I have a long-standing interest in Northern Irish affairs. My grandfather, as you know, was a very distinguished Unionist.
- Mo Mowlam: *Fuck* your grandfather. You're after my job - aren't you?
- Peter Mandelson: Of course not. Though a cabinet reshuffle is on the cards and in politics one must never rule anything out.
- Mo Mowlam: Don't lie. Smarming round Trimble. Probably telling Tony to sack me too, you devious cunt.
- Peter Mandelson: Is this really the demeanour one would expect of a minister of the crown?
- Mo Mowlam: You won't *fucking* win!
- Peter Mandelson: If you carry on like this, people are going to ask if there's something wrong with you.