Nikita, is a different and entertaining new show! I have not seen the original Nikita films or series but I think anyone who bags out this recent edition is being just plain ignorant. I watched the pilot one night when nothing else was on. I came into the show with absolutely no expectations, no idea of the story line and unknown to some of the actors. But I found it as entertaining as ever and if i could give any advice to anyone considering to get into it, that would be "why not?". The show isn't for everyone and if we are being quite honest, it's not a highly intellectual series but it get's the heart racing and is great quality stuff. It is a sensational new drama that actually shows the characters in depth. Each episode you learn more about the characters and each episode literally has you at the edge of your seat! I have a thirst for action and spy-type shows and especially hate it when the fights look fake and are too choreographed to even watch. But let me assure you, this show has some classy action moves that will take your breath away and leave you in shock. So hat's off to Nikita. An enjoyable and quality show.