Corbin Bernsen credited as playing...
Roy Gibbs
- Roy: Whata ya do when you hit the hill about 30 miles an hour and you vere off to the right, hard?
- Trey Caldwell: Pull it back to the left, hard.
- Roy: That's it?
- Trey Caldwell: Yep.
- Roy: Well congratulations, you're dead, nice ride.
- Trey Caldwell: You ever puke?
- Roy: What, you gonna be sick?
- Trey Caldwell: Oh, no. I was just wondering.
- Roy: If I puke.
- Trey Caldwell: Yeah.
- Roy: Course I puke. Everyone pukes. You are one random kid, Trey.
- Trey Caldwell: Looks like a pretty good hill for a Soap Box run.
- Roy: Are you kiddin'? A perfect hill. Perfect slope. Inch for inch almost identical to Akron.