I have to say I enjoyed this rather unconventional movie, even if it took a while to get going. It features many people living in Israel and how their lives intertwine with one another. They are all going through harsh times, almost as if experiencing a living hell. It depicts a country where people are corrupt, society is breaking down, and even good people end up doing terrible things... things which their enemies have been doing. It's as if the film portrays Israel as a society suffering and rotting from the inside, but also affected negatively by external politics. Several scenes whisk by crying people. Looks of pain on people's faces. Strange selfish behavior is carried out by many characters in the film...
The 'hellish' existence becomes even more apparent during the film's ending, which I must say served for an excellent climax. It's interesting how the film starts with such a happy, festive scene, which really contrasts with the ending with a society on edge, and then finally, a giant breakdown.
So.. I would recommend this movie. If you get through the first 30 minutes, the rest of the movie is quite enjoyable.
Anyhow. Here's the breakdown:
Acting: 10/10 Story: 7/10 Direction: 8/10 Technical aspects such as light & sound: 9/10