Tue, Nov 30, 2021
Lauren calls 112 because her father is on the floor and needs help. Centralist Joyce hears a man screaming in the background when suddenly they hang up. Joyce is no longer able to reach Lauren. Joyce estimates that CPR is required, and sends the emergency services to it. There they find Lauren's brother Kevin, who for an unknown reason tries to stop the resuscitation.
Tue, Dec 14, 2021
Kees calls the emergency center in a panic when the heavily pregnant Maryam has contractions. Centralist Lieke tries to advise him. As soon as she hangs up, she realizes that something isn't quite right. She links it to an earlier phone call from her colleague Joyce about an agitated man who seems to have lost his pregnant wife.
Tue, Dec 28, 2021
112 operator Lieke receives an emergency via the Tolkcontact app. The alarming app shows that the deaf Maja is hiding in a ship shed together with her son Martijn, for fear of her aggressive ex-husband Jeffrey. While Maja can't hear where the danger lies, Lieke must help her escape Jeffrey.
Tue, Jan 4, 2022
A confused young woman panics and calls 112 operator Joyce, saying she has just found her mother unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. Joyce assumes a trap, but as the conversation progresses, the young woman's story seems less and less true. The phone call takes an unexpected turn. What follows is a heart-pounding conversation in which Joyce has to slowly piece together the puzzle pieces of what happened.
Tue, Jan 11, 2022
Towards the end of his evening shift, 112 operator Boudewijn reluctantly takes another phone call, only to be surprised by a whispering child's voice who tells him to hide in a closet from an intruder. At the same time, Boudewijn tries to unravel the situation. However, this turns out to be easier said than done with 11-year-old Mia on the other end of the line. With a little imagination, Boudewijn, who is not really a childhood friend at all, tries to do everything in his power to help the young girl.
Tue, Jan 18, 2022
112 dispatcher Bilal receives a report from Asma who cannot wake her friend Yasmina. Realizing that they must act quickly to save Yasmina, Bilal wants to send an ambulance. But Asma doesn't want an ambulance at all. Yasmina should just wake up, and Bilal should not interfere further. But what do they do at the address of a far-right politician?
Tue, Jan 25, 2022
After returning home from her husband's funeral, widow Ellen is startled by two young burglars who sneak through her house. Furious, she calls 112, where operator Joyce lends a listening ear and tries to calm her down. Especially when Ellen wants to take matters into her own hands and defend herself and her beloved dog Amadeus with the help of a bat.
Tue, Feb 8, 2022
When Jolanda finds her mother unconscious at the bottom of the stairs and her daughter is nowhere to be seen, she calls the emergency center in panic. While dispatcher Boudewijn does his best to understand the situation, Jolanda immediately starts talking about her suspicions against her husband Albert. With difficulty Boudewijn tries to struggle through her chaotic story and to steer the search in the right direction.
Tue, Feb 15, 2022
When her sixteen-year-old son Ruben storms out the door after an argument, Vera calls 112. Central operator Joyce immediately tries to reassure her. Only twenty minutes away and in full puberty - it will come back on its own. There doesn't seem to be much going on, but then a disturbing message arrives.