I've been keeping track of this studio and the crew associated with it. They produced another film called "When the Bell Rings" which is based around a similar story and features some of the same cast making it feel like an almost like pilot to this film. This film is of a much higher quality when compared to "When the bell rings" despite missing some of the star power that one had. Some of the pros of this film include great cinematography, an awesome soundtrack that def is unique to this region of SoCal, and stand-out performances from Sam Nejad and William Maizel. Some of the issues lie within the story feeling very rushed. Predominantly, the overall timeline and speedy development of certain characters. For this to feel organic and add some real narrative meat to the characters, I think the timeline should have been a bit lengthier from a single night to maybe over a month or two as well as a longer run time of an extra 20 to 30 minutes. It really makes me figure that this would make a pretty solid show with solid build up. The film also has some weird audio issues where it sounds like a few lines were dubbed over but doesn't appear to be. Maybe it's the equipment they used to record but it distracted me from enjoying the film. Overall, it's a good film. As far as the overall style of the project goes, their first film "When the Bell Rings" feels like a .25 where as this feels more like 0.50 or 0.75 of a possible story that could be 1.00 and a possible 10/10.