The was a Film about a man who made choice's and lived with the decisions.He didn't always understand the impact of his choice's on the people in his life.We all have older people in our lives that won't change with the times And this film portrayed us humans making the best of it. because 1. nobodies perfect and 2. we love our older friends and relative's. I fell the way the old man felt about his daughter some goof smacks her around it would be my duty to hurt him badly which i would happily do.Like i said in my opening this movie was simple it was a love story and we all know love is painful as much as it is joyful. yin and yang can't have a up without the down.If you are looking for a action packed MOB film this is not for you.this movie was like the soprano's if i had to compare it to something.Like that series showed TONY being a mob boss it spent a lot of time showing him dealing with his crazy mom and sister.