Typically you know what you are getting into when you go see a movie billed as "romantic comedy." And often they lack romance or comedy and sometimes both. Not to mention that the simplicity of the characters often make the movie very predictable. That said, romantic comedies often don't work overall and viewers are left with a few good moments here or there. All that is said to explain what you won't find in "Fool For Love." That is because the two main characters, in particular Dustin Nguyen's character "Dung" have a complexity to them that creates a real life foundation from which the romance and comedy can be built. And that is a great thing because the movie is so satisfying on both levels of romance and comedy. And of course kudos go out for making an ending that that is equally as satisfying as the movie...not predictable, but very fitting for a good romantic comedy. Perhaps the biggest drawback is again seeing a very stereotypical, feminine, over the top gay character, yet it is hard to hate the character too much when he provides so many laughs that are sometimes even more clever than the stereotypical character he portrays. And how the other characters in the film relate to him is so kind and loving that it turns him into someone who is not an outcast, but accepted for who he is. Too bad it can't be in wider release and more American's can't take time out to read subtitles!