Playoff is not a movie about basketball; it's a movie about Israeli politics. The whole movie is an allegory, using basketball to deliver a political pro-Israel message. When watching the movie you shouldn't regard the characters as being different personalities instead you should see them as different nationalities and non-state actors. Max Stoller for an example is Israel. In -84 Israel needed support from West Germany in the cold war, that's why Stoller is back in Germany trying to convince them to cooperate. This is a touchy subject for Germans who fought for the Nazis or had relations with them. This role is played by Thomas whose father fought on the eastern front. Thomas still carries the beliefs of Nazi Germany and is therefore reluctant to collaborate with Israel (Max Stoller, the coach). In a game Thomas deliberately misses his chances to score, only to demonstrate his power over the Israel-West Germany cooperation. Later in the game he makes a turnabout and shows his agreeability. Deniz, the Turkish immigrant, plays the role of the new secular Turkey. In the beginning she is not sure if she can split up with the conservative Muslim Turkey and the Arabic nations who supports Palestine, this role is played by her neighbors (metaphoric first class). Max Stoller persuades her to break up with the conservatives and the Islamic countries which is symbolized in the car scene where she throws away her vile (islamic symbol) and join the western alliance. In the same scene, her rebellious daughter Sema(portrays the Turkish anti-Israel and secular youth) wakes up to a collaboration between Israel and Turkey. She now understands that an Israel-Turkey collaboration is okay and it is much better now, this is shown in happy daughter-mother scenes like the one when the play in the ocean. In the scene when Deniz(Turkey) offers him an intimate relationship, Max(Israel) declines and now Deniz understands that he(Israel) just use her to gain more allies in the neighborhood. Playoff deals with the conspiracy theory that Jews cooperated with Germans to acquire the land of Israel. This is shown when Thomas tells Stoller that "he's just another excuse" and that holocaust survivors exist so the world wouldn't forget. And Stoller denies it and responds that criminals like Thomas father must get punished. When West Germany (Thomas) and Israel (Stoller) at the end cooperate they defeat Italy (basketball team from Italy) and this shows how West Germany changes from being Nazis to Israel friendly and therefore they breaks up with their history and Italy. Italy is known for their fascism but in -84 they are ruled by a communist party and the movies message is that when Israel and West Germany collaborate they will fight and win against communism. Even though I don't agree with Eran Riklis(director)and despise how he portrays all Muslims as radicals, which is by the way understandable regarding his Israeli background, I enjoyed the movie because it made me reflect and analyze international relationships during the postwar era. It is in fact a very slanted movie but a movie that brings up political and historical issues to the table is mostly very good films.