Despite the other bombing reviews on here I was intrigued by the description of this movie to see it myself and make my own decision... wish I had listened to the previous reviewers. That's time I will never get back in my life. Oh well, lesson learned. The story was vapid. Characters were undeveloped, their re/actions were mindless. To put it succinctly, this movie was one horror cliche after the next with no sense or story to connect them together. Not to mention most of the "action" takes place in the dark, to the point of you cannot see much of anything. Also, I found that the plot lines were not developed beyond infancy and had no logical conclusion or connection to one another. At least some of the B-grades I've seen in the past made an attempt to be originally ground-breaking or unique; this one just fell flat on it's face right from the starting point. I do not recommend you waste your valuable time.