4 reviews
If you are versed in psychology, this is a great textbook example.
From the beginning of this series, right to the very end this person displays dissociative characteristics of Narcissism.
If you pay very close attention to the word selection chosen by Barry Minkow in the last few scenes, you will see what I am talking about.
It really shows you why anyone who has dealt with narcisssists in their lives will tell you to run a mile.
Nearly totally resistant to any form of treatment (Ie. Nearly incapable of true reformation), yet like a chameleon, able to learn and act out all the behaviours they feel are required.
No empathy for others, treated as things, or pawns in a game where the outcome (their glory) is important.
A cautionary tale.
If you have any narcissists in your life, RUN A MILE.
From the beginning of this series, right to the very end this person displays dissociative characteristics of Narcissism.
If you pay very close attention to the word selection chosen by Barry Minkow in the last few scenes, you will see what I am talking about.
It really shows you why anyone who has dealt with narcisssists in their lives will tell you to run a mile.
Nearly totally resistant to any form of treatment (Ie. Nearly incapable of true reformation), yet like a chameleon, able to learn and act out all the behaviours they feel are required.
No empathy for others, treated as things, or pawns in a game where the outcome (their glory) is important.
A cautionary tale.
If you have any narcissists in your life, RUN A MILE.
- marcus-28749
- Feb 10, 2022
- Permalink
But how many chances does one receive?
I suppose time will tell the tale of Barry's ultimate victory or defeat, but what a shame that so very many people had to be a part of his story that may have led to his redemption, or his failure.
We want to believe people can learn their lessons, are redeemable, are capable of reform. However, human nature being what it is, his only successes have been short-lived and at the expense of so many others.
I'd be more likely to believe in his sudden turn of convictions if he'd even apologized to his countless victims, but it doesn't seem to have come to pass. If he truly is on the path to recovery, I'd think offering remorse, retribution and remedies would be a good step.
I do hope he's doing right by his family at the very least, but he does seem to have the affliction of narcissism, and a glaringly heaping helping of it. I understand the sarcasm to his son regarding past sins, but it's not funny and plays so poorly, especially to the victims. It would be nice to see him think less of himself, and for that I'm unsure if he's truly dealt with the ramifications of his actions.
That being said, I think as disappointing as Barry is the pastor- is it any wonder people turn away from their church when the message your pastor is sending is that of being the ultimate judge? When you can view the mistress and likely cohort in at least some of his crimes as a victim, yet his wife (who was every bit a victim) is seen as duplicitous and manipulative, with no evidence to substantiate his claims, and the church members and church willfully turn their backs on her, that's quite the disturbing take to put into the world. This pastor even admits she was likely taking many of the phone calls, diverting mail, assisting in the extortion, but she's somehow a victim? She work hand in glove with Barry, but the wife, who had not nearly as much contact as Shannon, is guilty? I think it may be time for the pastor to take some time for inward reflection and refresh himself with the biblical theology he's likely overlooked.
It's certainly not lost on me that the viewer is taken into the mirror with the publicist, as the reflection reveals a delusional woman who's still likely coping with the ramifications of her course in life. Hiding behind ridiculous amounts of makeup that do nothing to bolster her appearance, yet belie someone stuck in the ethos of that time when her slight had occurred. I sincerely hope she sees this series and people close to her assist her in updating her care and get her the psychological attention she seems to desperately need.
The guy with the absolutely horrendous wig portraying himself as a victim is disgusting; using your upbringing as a crutch that somehow validates your deception that you seemed pretty proud to retell with great pride is just gross. He was practically giddy regarding his ability to alter documents, the commitment to detail, the wholehearted willingness to throw handfuls of money at Las Vegas, pulling wads of cash to security at the building used to dupe investors, but sure, he's a victim.
Overall an intriguing series that draws you in and wants to believe in Barry finding his ultimate redemption and finally achieving that which has escaped him thus far. But Barry seems hellbent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, and far too willing to portray himself as just a guy who did some sketchy things but he's all good now!!
I'm not sure I buy the act he's attempting to sell, and I would hope others would steer clear of giving him a dime he didn't earn through sweat equity; but PT Barnum was 100% correct- there's a sucker born every minute. A fool and their money are soon parted, and due diligence exists for a reason. In the end, it's not up to me how his life goes, and his outcome has no effect on how my life goes. But for the sake of those who've somehow stood by him and continue to love and care for him, I certainly hope for their sake that he's legitimately committed to leading a life that focuses more on others and caring for them as they deserve and much less on himself.
I suppose time will tell the tale of Barry's ultimate victory or defeat, but what a shame that so very many people had to be a part of his story that may have led to his redemption, or his failure.
We want to believe people can learn their lessons, are redeemable, are capable of reform. However, human nature being what it is, his only successes have been short-lived and at the expense of so many others.
I'd be more likely to believe in his sudden turn of convictions if he'd even apologized to his countless victims, but it doesn't seem to have come to pass. If he truly is on the path to recovery, I'd think offering remorse, retribution and remedies would be a good step.
I do hope he's doing right by his family at the very least, but he does seem to have the affliction of narcissism, and a glaringly heaping helping of it. I understand the sarcasm to his son regarding past sins, but it's not funny and plays so poorly, especially to the victims. It would be nice to see him think less of himself, and for that I'm unsure if he's truly dealt with the ramifications of his actions.
That being said, I think as disappointing as Barry is the pastor- is it any wonder people turn away from their church when the message your pastor is sending is that of being the ultimate judge? When you can view the mistress and likely cohort in at least some of his crimes as a victim, yet his wife (who was every bit a victim) is seen as duplicitous and manipulative, with no evidence to substantiate his claims, and the church members and church willfully turn their backs on her, that's quite the disturbing take to put into the world. This pastor even admits she was likely taking many of the phone calls, diverting mail, assisting in the extortion, but she's somehow a victim? She work hand in glove with Barry, but the wife, who had not nearly as much contact as Shannon, is guilty? I think it may be time for the pastor to take some time for inward reflection and refresh himself with the biblical theology he's likely overlooked.
It's certainly not lost on me that the viewer is taken into the mirror with the publicist, as the reflection reveals a delusional woman who's still likely coping with the ramifications of her course in life. Hiding behind ridiculous amounts of makeup that do nothing to bolster her appearance, yet belie someone stuck in the ethos of that time when her slight had occurred. I sincerely hope she sees this series and people close to her assist her in updating her care and get her the psychological attention she seems to desperately need.
The guy with the absolutely horrendous wig portraying himself as a victim is disgusting; using your upbringing as a crutch that somehow validates your deception that you seemed pretty proud to retell with great pride is just gross. He was practically giddy regarding his ability to alter documents, the commitment to detail, the wholehearted willingness to throw handfuls of money at Las Vegas, pulling wads of cash to security at the building used to dupe investors, but sure, he's a victim.
Overall an intriguing series that draws you in and wants to believe in Barry finding his ultimate redemption and finally achieving that which has escaped him thus far. But Barry seems hellbent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, and far too willing to portray himself as just a guy who did some sketchy things but he's all good now!!
I'm not sure I buy the act he's attempting to sell, and I would hope others would steer clear of giving him a dime he didn't earn through sweat equity; but PT Barnum was 100% correct- there's a sucker born every minute. A fool and their money are soon parted, and due diligence exists for a reason. In the end, it's not up to me how his life goes, and his outcome has no effect on how my life goes. But for the sake of those who've somehow stood by him and continue to love and care for him, I certainly hope for their sake that he's legitimately committed to leading a life that focuses more on others and caring for them as they deserve and much less on himself.
- helenahandbasket-93734
- Jan 21, 2022
- Permalink
Gobsmacking, how you bend the system and the truth - He is a pathological liar. He can't change but cons himself and everyone else....and the church! Incredible worth a watch but don't get conned! Series spread over 4 decades centred around Barry who tried to make movie about himself in the late 80s-90s now finally he can talk on a mini series trying to defend his repetitive criminal cynical cons. Reasonably balanced in the sense he has allowed others to talk but his wife Lisa was so duped you can't but feel this guy should still be locked up. The guy should still be paying back his victims but how many ..... it's incredible and now he has been paid for this series ...... hmm how - another con lol.
- dombarclay9
- Aug 21, 2023
- Permalink
The documentary shows in his interviews and an appearance as he remains the same. He seems to take no responsibility even today just acknowledging his crimes to be the center of attention and be the star of all situations.!!
A documentary although interesting as watching a horrible accident and can't take your eyes away, this is the basis that he sells himself.
It's an obvious pathetically attempt to regain fame and money.. Having nothing to do with feeling bad about his crimes are the victims.
This is a prime example of a sociopath.
A documentary although interesting as watching a horrible accident and can't take your eyes away, this is the basis that he sells himself.
It's an obvious pathetically attempt to regain fame and money.. Having nothing to do with feeling bad about his crimes are the victims.
This is a prime example of a sociopath.
- smithsonprentiss
- Mar 22, 2022
- Permalink