This is the kind of opinion piece that gives documentaries a bad name. If you want to feel good about yourself for being emotionally invested in a cause, but don't much care about reality, then this film is for you. If you want to learn and think for yourself, look elsewhere.
Here are some things that you will find a lot of:
- interviews with organic beekeepers and pop-science writers
- spiritual statements about nature
- people dressed like hippies
- shots of people staring stoically at things
- cute children used as props
- unscientific implications about the cause of colony collapse disorder
Here are some things you will not find much of:
The worst part of this is that the concerns being raised are absolutely legitimate. Agricultural practices like the use of GMO's, pesticides, and mono-cultures have enormous consequences. But rather than making the difficult effort of assessing the actual risks and benefits of different approaches, this film reduces every issue to a literal cartoon where evil corporations are making the poor little queen bee cry.
4/10 because it's at least competently shot and edited.