Produced by Long Island sketch comedy group The Slack Pack which consisted of Pete Bune, Sean King, and Michael Koscik along with Jacob Stebel.
Original title of the movie was "The Story She Told Me" named after a song by Long Island band 48 in the basement. The title was later changed to "Freaks Nerds & Romantics" after The Slack Pack met The Bouncing Souls.
Production began in the Summer of 2002. The final cut of the movie did not premiere until January 10, 2010.
Based on the story of 90s Long Island punk band 48 in the basement. Michael Koscik who stars in the movie was the lead singer of the real band and also member of The Slack Pack.
The opening credits spray paint scene was filmed on the rooftop of Macys in Commack, Long Island. It lasted for over a year. The director Pete Bune had sneaked up the roof with his actor Henry Quindara in the early morning hours to steal this shot.