this are the best 3 hours of Romanian communist history, a period of nearly 42 years in video, things that you will never find in history books.I find it objective and a real help to understand that era. For those who are not Romanians or interested by the subject , it might be boring, dull or whatever, but again , nobody can't force you to watch it for 180 min, but for me it was a real help on making an image of the years before i was born and the 7 years after that i lived in communism. Glad someone had the courage to do it, too bad its not as promoted as it should among Romanians especially.The title is an irony, because the dictator never had an autobiography or even the chance to see the movie,it presents the debut of communism in Romania and very soon the debut of Ceausescu in the history if the country. We can't judge actions or reactions of the character but we can pretty easily make and opinion about him, especially by listening all his speeches during the movie, where you can have a certain feeling of nationalism surrounding his position towards Romania. As a dictator , he follows the line of all the dictators in the world, living his life in pure luxury while his people struggles to exist, especially in the last years of his "kingdom".Facing the riot of an entire country his faith is sealed, but his death is not people's decision. So before seeing the movie, don't think as if it's an action movie, it's just a history lesson, and if you are not into history, you will never really have the chance to appreciate the quality of this movie. From me it has a 10.