This movie was done really well. I loved the message about taking Christ out of Christmas. I was equally pleased with the presentation of the Bible. There were only 2 parts in this movie that I think could have been written more accurately to portray Christianity. The first situation was at the beginning when the family was talking about the book that they were reading (vampires falling in love) which is easy to see as supporting the Twilight series. This to me is distasteful and didn't need to be in there. Any other thing could have been discussed between mother and daughter instead of promoting Twilight. If you truly love God, why would you want to put this demonic stuff in a Christian show? The second situation I wish was rewritten was the part when the dad was talking with the son about his "girl" friend. The father asks his son if she's cute. He responds with a yes. Then the dad (without knowing anything about the girl) comes back with, "That's my son!" This portrays to all boys that you should look for a good-looking girl and to all girls that acquiring physical beauty is important if you want to find a guy. What does it say in the Bible about beauty? Beauty is deceitful, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. If these 2 scenes were taken out of this movie, I would have rated it probably a 9. I am just tired of seeing weak Christianity portrayed on television. Now, Courageous is not a weak Christian film and I would give that a 10!