Rutger Hauer credited as playing...
- Hobo: [to a group of newborn babies] A long time ago I was one of you. You're all brand new and perfect. No mistakes, no regrets. People look at you and think of how wonderful your future will be. They want you to be something special... like a... a doctor or a lawyer. I hate to tell you this, but if you grow up here, you're more likely to wind up selling your bodies on the streets, or shooting dope from dirty needles in a bus stop. And if you're successful, you'll make money selling junk to crackheads. And you won't think twice about killing someone's wife, because you won't even know what was wrong in the first place. Or, maybe... you'll end up like me - a hobo with a shotgun! I hope you can do better. You are the future.
- Chief of Police: Did anybody officially welcome you to town yet?
- Hobo: They never do.
- Chief of Police: Well...
- [Pulls a gun]
- Chief of Police: Welcome to Fucktown!
- Hobo: There's something else about bears not many people know. If a bear gets hooked on the taste of human blood, it becomes a man-killer. He'll go on a rampage and has to be destroyed. And that's why you should never hug a bear.
- Hobo: Well, Abby, can I tell you something about bears?
- Abby: Sure.
- Hobo: The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're like a mile away, but if you get inside their circle, they will maul you. If a bear's claw would ever strike your face, it would take your whole face right off your skull - your eyes, your nose, your lips, everything - and you would die from it.
- Abby: Wow. Didn't know bears could be so vicious.
- Hobo: I think I'm okay now. I just tell my brain when I know I'm hurting... I just say, "I got nothing for you buddy... nothing to make it go away, so just go to hell," and he goes. He's like a brother to me now, and brothers fight sometimes.
- Abby: Well, I think it's time to put you and your brother to bed.