Lukas (Aradhana Rahadi), is an aspiring altar boy who lives with his mother, Maria (Ruth Marini) and grandparents (Lidya Kandoul), until one day he receives information that his father (Rizky Hanggono) is still alive.
Lukas (Aradhanara), a future altar boy who lives with his mother, Maria (Ruth Marini) and grandparents (Lidya Kandau). One day Maria was sentenced to have terminal cancer and made Luke sad to the point of losing his zest for life.
Luke, accompanied by Frans and Flory, meets a person who claims to know information about his father's whereabouts. However, it turns out that these three friends are in danger, fortunately Romo Eli (Dimaz Andrean) comes to help.
This time, two of his best friends, Frans (Alif Anwar) and Flory (Chempa Puteri), leave Lukas (Aradhanara). But he remains enthusiastic and believes that God will never leave him