A number of scenes where shot in Dundas, Ontario. Specifically the house that belongs to Grace Batten (Kristin Booth) is now a Bed & Breakfast in Dundas. The front of the house, front door, entrance hallway can all be seen in the movie. The bedroom scene with Simon (Christopher Heyerdahl) and Rose Batten (Ella Ballentine) is one of the rooms in the B&B. When Simon goes to visit Tamera Lawrence, who is supposed to live in Saint-Dominique, Quebec, but the "hot water kettle" scene is shot in the kitchen of Dundas Glen Bed & Breakfast.
When Simon (Christopher Heyerdahl) and Grace Batten (Kristin Booth) first meet in the diner where Grace works, it's the Bright Spot Restaurant on Main Street East in Hamilton.
The Calling (2014) was adapted from the novel published in 2008 of the same name by Michael Redhill (published under the pen name Inger Ash Wolfe).
"Libera eos Dominar de morte" is a real Catholic song used in the celebration Pro extintores for many years, falling into disuse in recent centuries.
Ellen Burstyn is only 14 years older than Susan Sarandon, but plays her mother.