38 reviews
All blockbusters have rip-offs. Paranormal Activity was an unexpected success and naturally people tried to clock in on that. The best rip-offs were the Paranormal Entity flicks.
But they just aren't that scary or creepy as the originals. The second entry here is also called "8213 Gacy House". And that is in fact what it is all about, go searching the ghost of serial killer John Wayne Gacy. I wont go into the story of Gacy because this is fantasy and not based on the real life of Gacy but one things is a fact. When they here the ghost saying Kiss My Ass it was in fact his last words before his execution.
Where PA moves slowly into a ghost story the PE flicks do take a while before things go wrong. Here too you have to stand a lot of talking and noises before the crew searching for the ghost comes in front of the ghost. I can even say that it is creepy in the last 15 minutes when the séance go wrong. The other difference with the PA flicks is the fact that in PE you always have a bit of nudity.
The fact that you are involved slowly into the paranormal activity flicks do work and do gives goosebumps here and there but this stupid story just doesn't work. It's nice to see an extreme close-up of a boob but that has in fact nothing to do with entities.
It is watchable even as none character is believable, for horror geeks I wont recommend it but for those who are afraid of Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity, stay away from it.
Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
But they just aren't that scary or creepy as the originals. The second entry here is also called "8213 Gacy House". And that is in fact what it is all about, go searching the ghost of serial killer John Wayne Gacy. I wont go into the story of Gacy because this is fantasy and not based on the real life of Gacy but one things is a fact. When they here the ghost saying Kiss My Ass it was in fact his last words before his execution.
Where PA moves slowly into a ghost story the PE flicks do take a while before things go wrong. Here too you have to stand a lot of talking and noises before the crew searching for the ghost comes in front of the ghost. I can even say that it is creepy in the last 15 minutes when the séance go wrong. The other difference with the PA flicks is the fact that in PE you always have a bit of nudity.
The fact that you are involved slowly into the paranormal activity flicks do work and do gives goosebumps here and there but this stupid story just doesn't work. It's nice to see an extreme close-up of a boob but that has in fact nothing to do with entities.
It is watchable even as none character is believable, for horror geeks I wont recommend it but for those who are afraid of Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity, stay away from it.
Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
...Because everything else is a waste of time. Apparently this is a sequel to Paranormal Entity, which I also disliked, but you'd not really think so as it has little in common with that. Everything just looked very slipshod visually, the camera work lacked focus, the effects while not the worst for the Asylum are still poor and somewhat half-baked and sometimes the lighting is so dimly lit. The dialogue is trite and repetitive, adding little if anything to the atmosphere, while I didn't care at all for the characters, they were annoying and you don't learn enough about them. The story did not engage in any way, the first half of Gacy House is so low-key and dull that you don't feel any tension or horror and you even question whether there is a story. The acting is stiff and phoned in in most cases. In fact, the one bright spot of Gacy House is the last fifteen minutes, while highly implausible it does have one or two good scares. All in all, a terrible movie on all levels apart from the end. 2/10 Bethany Cox
- TheLittleSongbird
- Sep 10, 2012
- Permalink
This movie put out by Asylum...
I cannot find the review right now, but one other reviewer said their were some problems with all Asylum movies, that they repeat the same lines over and over, because they have nothing to say. This observation nails it. Listen for people saying the same things over and over, and I mean within seconds, not just as the movie progresses.
Then there is this technique of "people chatter about nonsense until the lead character takes over the scene". This too was overused.
None of the characters say anything personal, except during their 10 seconds introduction on the film.
They also copy about 12 different stunts from Paranormal Activity - I don't mind a few, but seriously... I could come up with something different for the entity to do if I spent about 15 minutes thinking about it... but I won't, I was supposed to be entertained, not be the entertainer.
Even for a micro-budget, they could have done better.
The only thing I liked was the genre they are pursuing.
I cannot find the review right now, but one other reviewer said their were some problems with all Asylum movies, that they repeat the same lines over and over, because they have nothing to say. This observation nails it. Listen for people saying the same things over and over, and I mean within seconds, not just as the movie progresses.
Then there is this technique of "people chatter about nonsense until the lead character takes over the scene". This too was overused.
None of the characters say anything personal, except during their 10 seconds introduction on the film.
They also copy about 12 different stunts from Paranormal Activity - I don't mind a few, but seriously... I could come up with something different for the entity to do if I spent about 15 minutes thinking about it... but I won't, I was supposed to be entertained, not be the entertainer.
Even for a micro-budget, they could have done better.
The only thing I liked was the genre they are pursuing.
- bobjohnson994
- Jan 2, 2014
- Permalink
Why, oh, why did I not read any reviews before carelessly putting this into my rental queue?? Please do yourselves a service and don't make the same mistake I did. This isn't even worth a chuckle.
Apparently this is, in fact, "Paranormal Entity 2." I didn't see the first one; to read about it, we're led to believe it's infinitely duller and more derivative of "Paranormal Activity" and others of that ilk than we could've possibly imagined. I believe it. And wouldn't you know it? The opening screen tells us that this is "found footage" on the body of a victim, and "it has been edited into a narrative" to tell us what happened and why there's only a videotape left. Even the font is the same as "PA" and "PA2." The time stamps. Ev-er-y-thing.
The plot is more or less already outlined in the basic summary here. A bunch of "researchers"/ghost hunters decide to spend a night at 8213 Summerdale, which used to be where John Wayne Gacy's house stood. That house was torn down after 26 bodies were found in his basement, but apparently someone built a new house on the lot once Gacy had been executed. Now it's supposedly a hot spot for all sorts of paranormal shenanigans, so naturally a crack team of pseudo-scientists, cameramen and pretty blonde college students feel compelled to go there in hopes of communicating with Gacy's spirit.
There's really not much else I can say, plot-wise. If you've ever seen an episode of "Most Haunted" or "Paranormal State" on TV - or if you've so much as seen a commercial for them - you already know what happens. Things go bump in the night, everyone thinks one member of the team must be making those noises just to freak the others out, then something else happens (lights flicker! doors open and close by themselves! they check the camera footage!) which convinces everyone... Etcetera. For 85 long minutes. There's no gore to speak of; there are no legitimate scares whatsoever. There are night vision cameras in empty rooms. There's a medium-type to bless the house and ask that they be kept safe while they attempt to chat up ol' John. (They even bring in a "pure, white t-shirt" belonging to an adolescent boy to try to tempt Gacy's spirit out of hiding. Yes. Really.) The few "special effects" at the "climax" are beyond lame. There is a lot of hysterical running around because someone saw a shadow, or the fireplace made a banging sound. For eighty. five. minutes.
I am all for a low-budget, clever little popcorn horror film. I'm not a horror snob. I don't need art-house subtitles or buckets of blood or a high-concept twist ending or a "Hostel"-esque torture theme to be scared. What I DO need is a character who's even remotely interesting, or something that doesn't look like it would've failed as a high school drama project. This couldn't pass the muster. ANY muster.
I bet you can guess the ending. You've seen it dozens of times before, but done far better. Really and truly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Take my word for it: if you spend one minute guessing how it all turns out, and the other 84 minutes doing anything BUT watching this...thing...you'll be a much less resentful person for it. Can you tell I'm bitter? I have nobody to blame but myself! But if I save JUST ONE of you from wasting those precious minutes... Nah, I'll still be ticked off.
Apparently this is, in fact, "Paranormal Entity 2." I didn't see the first one; to read about it, we're led to believe it's infinitely duller and more derivative of "Paranormal Activity" and others of that ilk than we could've possibly imagined. I believe it. And wouldn't you know it? The opening screen tells us that this is "found footage" on the body of a victim, and "it has been edited into a narrative" to tell us what happened and why there's only a videotape left. Even the font is the same as "PA" and "PA2." The time stamps. Ev-er-y-thing.
The plot is more or less already outlined in the basic summary here. A bunch of "researchers"/ghost hunters decide to spend a night at 8213 Summerdale, which used to be where John Wayne Gacy's house stood. That house was torn down after 26 bodies were found in his basement, but apparently someone built a new house on the lot once Gacy had been executed. Now it's supposedly a hot spot for all sorts of paranormal shenanigans, so naturally a crack team of pseudo-scientists, cameramen and pretty blonde college students feel compelled to go there in hopes of communicating with Gacy's spirit.
There's really not much else I can say, plot-wise. If you've ever seen an episode of "Most Haunted" or "Paranormal State" on TV - or if you've so much as seen a commercial for them - you already know what happens. Things go bump in the night, everyone thinks one member of the team must be making those noises just to freak the others out, then something else happens (lights flicker! doors open and close by themselves! they check the camera footage!) which convinces everyone... Etcetera. For 85 long minutes. There's no gore to speak of; there are no legitimate scares whatsoever. There are night vision cameras in empty rooms. There's a medium-type to bless the house and ask that they be kept safe while they attempt to chat up ol' John. (They even bring in a "pure, white t-shirt" belonging to an adolescent boy to try to tempt Gacy's spirit out of hiding. Yes. Really.) The few "special effects" at the "climax" are beyond lame. There is a lot of hysterical running around because someone saw a shadow, or the fireplace made a banging sound. For eighty. five. minutes.
I am all for a low-budget, clever little popcorn horror film. I'm not a horror snob. I don't need art-house subtitles or buckets of blood or a high-concept twist ending or a "Hostel"-esque torture theme to be scared. What I DO need is a character who's even remotely interesting, or something that doesn't look like it would've failed as a high school drama project. This couldn't pass the muster. ANY muster.
I bet you can guess the ending. You've seen it dozens of times before, but done far better. Really and truly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Take my word for it: if you spend one minute guessing how it all turns out, and the other 84 minutes doing anything BUT watching this...thing...you'll be a much less resentful person for it. Can you tell I'm bitter? I have nobody to blame but myself! But if I save JUST ONE of you from wasting those precious minutes... Nah, I'll still be ticked off.
Please please for god sakes do not listen to ANYONE who said this movie was even descent! Whoever says that this piece of $!@# was anything but a terrible mistake needs to get slapped! The acting was something straight out of a low budget porno flick. Kids in a middle school play could do better than these people. The parts that are suppose to be "scary" we're predictable and dull. Not once did I jump thru out this whole film. There could have been so much potential For such a storyline as the gacy case, but this stupid film made it seem like a complete joke. Thank god I saw this movie for free, or I would have shot myself in the foot for spending even one dollar on it. If I was talking to someone that was looking for a good scary movie at the rental store, I would tell you to put this movie down...step away slowly....and forget you ever saw it existed!!! Consider yourselves warned of this stupidity!
- Krysonelove
- Jun 24, 2011
- Permalink
- marcel-965-441580
- Feb 10, 2011
- Permalink
The acting is so so poor, it's totally laughable. I mean laughable. Local am dram is better. Or a child's nativity play.
I fell asleep for 15 minutes and woke up and was still bored.
I can't even give this a proper review as it was so terrible. Laughable, not scary, complete rip off of Paranormal activity, Blair witch etc...
The opening set up is supposed to entice and creep out the viewer, but within ten minutes I was already knowing exactly what would happen and which character had the stereotypical traits.
With one female getting injured, there is a very obvious and poor attempt to get some boobs in. Soft porn for no reason, a close up of a breast. Why? Are you kidding.
Sex, in a house later on? Really? Are you sure when you are supposed to be holding an experiment to find ghosts? Sure, why not, the perfect time to have sex. IN A HOUSE WHERE THE BIGGEST SERIAL KILLER KILLED PEOPLE! HA. That's the other thing, this house was a new house on the grounds where gacy murdered people, so the original house has gone, yet throughout, the main guy kept saying it's in this basement they were found. Err, no, the house has gone.
The said main guy also, as a ghost hunter, kept on getting freaked out and scared and saying what the f was that?! Oh my god! Dude, you are supposed to be leading this event.
Total utter gash
I fell asleep for 15 minutes and woke up and was still bored.
I can't even give this a proper review as it was so terrible. Laughable, not scary, complete rip off of Paranormal activity, Blair witch etc...
The opening set up is supposed to entice and creep out the viewer, but within ten minutes I was already knowing exactly what would happen and which character had the stereotypical traits.
With one female getting injured, there is a very obvious and poor attempt to get some boobs in. Soft porn for no reason, a close up of a breast. Why? Are you kidding.
Sex, in a house later on? Really? Are you sure when you are supposed to be holding an experiment to find ghosts? Sure, why not, the perfect time to have sex. IN A HOUSE WHERE THE BIGGEST SERIAL KILLER KILLED PEOPLE! HA. That's the other thing, this house was a new house on the grounds where gacy murdered people, so the original house has gone, yet throughout, the main guy kept saying it's in this basement they were found. Err, no, the house has gone.
The said main guy also, as a ghost hunter, kept on getting freaked out and scared and saying what the f was that?! Oh my god! Dude, you are supposed to be leading this event.
Total utter gash
- MysteryFilm
- Jan 13, 2012
- Permalink
- The_Stranger123
- Sep 28, 2010
- Permalink
- GeorgeI4280
- Sep 12, 2012
- Permalink
Gacy House probably deserves more of a 7 or 8 but I'll give it 10 to measure out the negative reviews, which the film in no way deserves. It serves it purpose and is a good film that stands out among the latest God-awful horror films.
Gacy House is a pretty typical story, a group of people go to a supposedly haunted house to find out if it's haunted, sure enough, it is and the group is terrified by things that go bump in the night.
I'm not a producer of the film, check my other reviews if you want. I just enjoyed Gacy House, I liked its simplicity. Shock factor comes from classic jumps; the person in front of the camera, the shadows and the characters reactions to these scares. I have to say, suspense is built extremely well through frequent returns to the cameras set up around the house.
Acting is fine, half are very good, such as the leader of the team and the older professor accompanying them, and the rest are fine. Nothing really special but it's okay. The script is written well, a couple of scenes that aren't necessary but several that are really well done.
Give it a try, if the first half doesn't catch you I doubt the rest of it will. All in all, a fun horror film that I enjoyed.
Gacy House is a pretty typical story, a group of people go to a supposedly haunted house to find out if it's haunted, sure enough, it is and the group is terrified by things that go bump in the night.
I'm not a producer of the film, check my other reviews if you want. I just enjoyed Gacy House, I liked its simplicity. Shock factor comes from classic jumps; the person in front of the camera, the shadows and the characters reactions to these scares. I have to say, suspense is built extremely well through frequent returns to the cameras set up around the house.
Acting is fine, half are very good, such as the leader of the team and the older professor accompanying them, and the rest are fine. Nothing really special but it's okay. The script is written well, a couple of scenes that aren't necessary but several that are really well done.
Give it a try, if the first half doesn't catch you I doubt the rest of it will. All in all, a fun horror film that I enjoyed.
- Bob_the_Hobo
- May 12, 2011
- Permalink
Is the "haunted house/Paranormal Activity/Blair Witch" thing a bit over done these days? Yeah. But me being interested in serial killers, this one kinda had me throughout.
First off, you got a guy that looks like McLovin in this, two fairly attractive blondes (one for the fans of busty girls and one for the more modest type) and the main actor looks like that guy from Kangaroo Jack. I loved the comparisons for everyone. It does do the kinda lame thing where nothing happens for a while and then the predicable shock happens, but what horror/thriller movie doesn't? On that note, I think this is more of a thriller than a true horror. If you have a scary ghost movie, of course there's going to be the creepy basement scenes-plenty to offer, and scenes where you say to the character "Dude...you really just went there alone? *Sigh* See you in the sequel." lol Okay, so the actors aren't the best, the camera work is a bit shoddy, but it's a fun movie to watch with a group of friends and a few beverages. Just have an open mind, expect nothing, lights off, and hit play.
First off, you got a guy that looks like McLovin in this, two fairly attractive blondes (one for the fans of busty girls and one for the more modest type) and the main actor looks like that guy from Kangaroo Jack. I loved the comparisons for everyone. It does do the kinda lame thing where nothing happens for a while and then the predicable shock happens, but what horror/thriller movie doesn't? On that note, I think this is more of a thriller than a true horror. If you have a scary ghost movie, of course there's going to be the creepy basement scenes-plenty to offer, and scenes where you say to the character "Dude...you really just went there alone? *Sigh* See you in the sequel." lol Okay, so the actors aren't the best, the camera work is a bit shoddy, but it's a fun movie to watch with a group of friends and a few beverages. Just have an open mind, expect nothing, lights off, and hit play.
- kitsuneeight
- Jul 8, 2011
- Permalink
Blair Witch Is An Appropriate Comparison I Would Say. Sadly I Couldn't Stand The Blair Witch Movies They Bored Me To Sleep. HOWEVER Gacy House Makes Blair Witch Seem Like The BEST Movie We've EVER Watched. 🤣😂🤣 You REALLY Shouldn't Waste Your Time Watching This...
- bullockcrew
- Sep 20, 2020
- Permalink
- artemisblack
- Sep 29, 2010
- Permalink
Originally, I found this title on Tubi. I've always been curious about the John Wayne Gacy story and how his evilness managed to go undetected for so many years.
The story of Gacy will always be one of the most haunting and saddening legacies ever left in U.S. history. This movie doesn't go near the same infamy as its title character does.
It's basically found footage stuff. That's it.
Imagine the badly overacted crapola that's thrown in between and it's just another lame attempt at cashing in on the whole Paranormal Activity craze.
I watched it purely because I thought it might have any type of message about Gacy or if it would break ground on his already creepy legacy. It really doesn't. It just uses his name and his story to build a film school project made by acting school students.
To its credit, it does have some jump scares. But it doesn't add anything to either the genre or the infamous serial killer's story. The randomly thrown in facts about him as well as the random use of his own remarks made no sense, considering the movie itself changed the historical facts about the place, in order to make this movie work.
It just didn't take itself seriously.
Imagine being pretty terrible at acting scared. That's the best way to describe this movie. Not even the Mark Holton 2003 vehicle was this bad. If you want to edify yourself regarding Gacy, look up the many documentaries based on him better.
Ok effort for those involved, but just no. NO.
Imagine being pretty terrible at acting scared. That's the best way to describe this movie. Not even the Mark Holton 2003 vehicle was this bad. If you want to edify yourself regarding Gacy, look up the many documentaries based on him better.
Ok effort for those involved, but just no. NO.
- michaelRokeefe
- Jun 25, 2015
- Permalink
Number of people go to this haunted house, where peolpe have been killed.
The movie is really slow, minor thing happen in the movie and none of those are creepy or scary and there no atmosphere at all.
So hour goes past, yet nothing really as happened at all, instead of people shouting at each other, this no different watch normal show like Most Haunted or Ghost Hunter but with no adverts.
Then near the last ten minutes of the movies, when things start to get a bit wild and meant to be scary, I Could not help but Laugh my head off cause it was so funny!
That is the only Reason I going to give 4 out of 10 (I Can not remember the last time i laugh like that lol )
The movie is really slow, minor thing happen in the movie and none of those are creepy or scary and there no atmosphere at all.
So hour goes past, yet nothing really as happened at all, instead of people shouting at each other, this no different watch normal show like Most Haunted or Ghost Hunter but with no adverts.
Then near the last ten minutes of the movies, when things start to get a bit wild and meant to be scary, I Could not help but Laugh my head off cause it was so funny!
That is the only Reason I going to give 4 out of 10 (I Can not remember the last time i laugh like that lol )
There were attempts at events and horror, but they were poor ones. The movie was disorganized and not entertaining at all. What a waste of using a real life serial killer's name.
- thecatabolicmerkitten
- Jan 7, 2019
- Permalink
This was lame wack & terrible Gacy was executed in statesville prison which is down the street from job Corp so unless his demonic soul found its way back he was never there, plus its not the orginal house with the crawlspace where 26 bodies was buried they say they were a teenage boys when a few were grown men! This movie is awful they should b ashame of them selves tryna profit on trash!
- plevimuzik
- May 17, 2020
- Permalink
In fact, The Room was better than this movie. Out of all of the actors, only 1 could act better than a middle school play, and the perfectly decent plot was ruined by this. The movie itself was paced so poorly that 90 minutes felt like 3 hours. It was a lot of people talking over each other, not knowing how to act, poorly paced action, and unnecessary sex scenes and swearing. This movie should have been 30 minutes and been free on YouTube as a 'short film'.
- Seenxninja
- Jun 10, 2011
- Permalink
8213: Gacy House is what the back of the movie case says it is; no hidden perks. You are told from the very start that the movie is made in narrative form, so if you aren't a fan of that sort of movies, then you will already dislike this one (in my opinion). I know a lot of the reviews here say how crappy this film is, and the ratings on IMDb show that, but I rated on a different factor. In my opinion, this movie was made really well, as in: even though it switches camera angles a million times (from hand-held to stationary), it looks very clean and smooth. I've seen many movies where the story line was superb but the camera was crap - for this film, it is completely opposite. Now having said that, it was still a decent movie, and if watched under the right mindset / conditions, you will likely find some sort of enjoyment out of it. Don't watch it expecting it to be the best film you've ever seen, but likewise, don't watch it already thinking you will hate it. Go in with an open mind and unbiased eyes, and just take it for what it is.
- cecilliawhite
- Apr 26, 2011
- Permalink
- hustudiosbap
- Feb 26, 2015
- Permalink
I've seen better acting in pornography. Don't waste your time, i'd rather be scratching my butt...
This review requires ten lines. I do not have anything to say about this movie that is remotely close to ten lines. I will now recite the alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z now i'm going to go watch paint dry...
Apparently this review is still not long enough. It's bad. It's boring. It's worse than Nicholas Cage's dramatic knee drops in "the knowing" (i believe there were 12). I would rather watch Bob Ross paint a landscape. I rented this movie for 99c, I'm kicking myself for not buying a taco instead...do not make the same mistake i did!
This review requires ten lines. I do not have anything to say about this movie that is remotely close to ten lines. I will now recite the alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z now i'm going to go watch paint dry...
Apparently this review is still not long enough. It's bad. It's boring. It's worse than Nicholas Cage's dramatic knee drops in "the knowing" (i believe there were 12). I would rather watch Bob Ross paint a landscape. I rented this movie for 99c, I'm kicking myself for not buying a taco instead...do not make the same mistake i did!
- marinesgtwife
- Oct 24, 2011
- Permalink