- 100 Films in a Year [Richard Nelson]
- Action Movie Fanatix
- Aisle Seat [Mike McGranaghan]
- And You Thought It Was Safe(?) [David DeMoss]
- Andy's Film Blog [Andy Kaiser]
- Animated Views - Blu-ray [Randall Cyrenne]
- BasementRejects.com [JPRoscoe]
- Batman: Year One [wadewilsonxl]
- Malayalam
- Batman: Year One [wadewilsonxl]
- Malayalam
- Big Shiny Robot! [Andy Wilson]
- Blu-ray.com [Kenneth Brown]
- CGMagazine [Phil Brown]
- CGMagazine [Phil Brown]
- Cine-Skepsis [Nikos Rentzos]
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- Cinema Crazed [Felix Vasquez Jr.]
- Cinema Show [Luiz Henrique Alves]
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- Cinemagazine [Frank v.d. Ven]
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- Cinenoxos [Nikos Rentzos]
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- ComicMix [Robert Greenberger]
- Common Sense Media [Jeffrey M. Anderson]
- des-kai-pes.blogspot.gr [Nikos Rentzos]
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- DoBlu.com 4K UHD [Christopher Zabel]
- Filmdagbok [Asbjørn Ness]
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- Filmreporter.de [Carlos Corbelle]
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- Freude am Film [Michael Gruhl]
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- Full Moon Reviews [Mike Huntley]
- HeyUGuys [Tim Leng]
- High-Def Digest (Blu-ray) [Tom Landy]
- High-Def Digest [Tom Landy]
- KQEK [Mark R. Hasan]
- Les Critiques du Critique [Julien English]
- French
- Moria - The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review [Richard Scheib]
- Movie Mavericks [Jason Rugaard]
- Naturalistic Uncanny Marvelous [Gene Phillips]
- Next Projection [Umar Shameem]
- OutNow.CH - DVD
- German
- ReadySteadyCut [Jonathon Wilson]
- Redbeard Ranks (Nathaniel R. Mitchell)
- RobotGEEK's Cult Cinema [RobotGEEK]
- Schlombies Filmbesprechungen [Schlombie]
- German
- Sonic Cinema [Brian Skutle]
- Stream on Demand
- Talking Pulp [Rob Rimes]
- The Cleveland Movie Blog [Bob Ignizio]
- The Film Reel [Will Brownridge]
- The m0vie blog [Darren Mooney]
- The Other View
- The Sci-Fi Movie Page [James O'Ehley]
- The Spinning Image [Andrew Pragasam]
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