- Roger Ebert [Sheila O'Malley]
- Sight and Sound [Guy Lodge]
- A Good Movie to Watch [Farah Cheded]
- A Sliver of Film [Chris Greenwood]
- Aeyenah [Aeyenah] Dutch
- Always Good Movies [Filipe Freitas]
- Another Film Another Planet [Sophie Soligny] (VM)
- French
- Artechock [Dunja Bialas]
- German
- Benzine [Eric Debarnot]
- French
- Bon pour la Tête [Norbert Creutz]
- French
- Brutstatt [Frank Schmidke]
- German
- carmattos.com [Carlos Alberto Mattos] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Cenas de Cinema [Eduardo Valente]
- Portuguese
- Cinema Sétima Arte [Cátia Santos]
- Portuguese
- Cinemagavia [Carlos Gómez Puebla]
- Spanish
- Cinemagazine [Ester Sorm]
- Dutch
- Ciné Dweller [Claudine Levanneur]
- French
- Cinésthesia [Mike McCahill]
- Club do Filme [Cid Vasconcellos Filho]
- Portuguese
- Culturellement Votre [Cecile Desbrun]
- French
- Dennis Schwartz [Dennis Schwartz]
- disappointment media [Camden Ferrell]
- Drink in the Movies [Taylor Baker]
- epd Film [Patrick Seyboth]
- German
- Eye for Film [Amber Wilkinson]
- Fifth about The Seventh [Felipe Rosa]
- Film Dienst [Sebastian Seidler]
- German
- Film Dude [Anne Murphy]
- Film Frenzy [Matt Brunson]
- Film Gazette [Wolfgang Nierlin]
- German
- Film Genuss [Michael Grünwald]
- German
- Film Kult [Michael Bolzli]
- German
- Film Review Daily [Mansel Stimpson]
- Film Totaal [Didier Becu]
- Dutch
- Film-Forward [Kevin Filipski]
- Film-Rezensionen [Oliver Armknecht]
- German
- Filmhuis Mechelen [Geert Op de Beeck]
- Dutch
- Filmleaf [Chris Knipp]
- Filmstarts [Gaby Sikorski]
- German
- Filmtett [Lehel Fazakas]
- Hungarian
- Filmuforia [Meredith Taylor]
- Filmy [Sofia Gourgouliani]
- Greek
- Flix Chatter [Ruth Maramis]
- High on Films (contains spoilers) [Akash Deshpande]
- Horror Fuel [Joseph Perry]
- Im Kino [Sandro Danilo Spadini]
- German
- In de bioscoop [Ries Jacobs]
- Dutch
- IONCINEMA.com [Eric Lavallée]
- Kino-Zeit [Teresa Vena]
- German
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