1 review
I enjoyed Robin Hood of the Bayous immensely. It was extremely informative and put together very well. The combination of interviews intertwined with the narrative came across strong. I enjoyed learning something new about American history and being entertained as well! The direction was fluid and the acting was strong. It is nice to see attention being paid to New Orleans and it's extensive and rich history. Director, Karin Kwiatkowki, did a good job of portraying the Pirates as heroes to the American plight during a time of strong English oppression. The editing was seamless which made the film flow from beginning to end. If your a lover of Pirate stories this one will entertain. It would be fun to see this adapted into a full length feature narrative film. I contains all the goods, action, drama, a strong protagonist in Jean Lafitte and an equally strong English antagonist. This is an important film for American history and should be shown in elementary schools.