33 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 50The PlaylistSimon AbramsThe PlaylistSimon AbramsWiig really shines in the film, proving that her finely honed comic timing can make a character work even when the film ultimately doesn't.
- 50McClatchy-Tribune News ServiceRoger MooreMcClatchy-Tribune News ServiceRoger MooreWhatever their other gifts, they cannot find the fizz here and can never get Wiig to commit to the sort of film that she, even when she was making it, must have realized was beneath her in her post-”Bridesmaids” glory.
- 42The A.V. ClubA.A. DowdThe A.V. ClubA.A. DowdThe blame belongs most plainly with Michelle Morgan’s script, which requires this gifted comedian to play straight woman to a supporting carnival of Indiewood types.
- 40Time OutTime OutThe keenest irony is that Imogene’s fake suicide note is the most convincing thing she’s ever written — which makes perverse sense since Girl Most Likely is DOA.
- 40Austin ChronicleKimberley JonesAustin ChronicleKimberley JonesTiny and well-intentioned but dramatically inert and sham-kooky, Girl Most Likely is for Kristen Wiig completists only, and even they may squirm at spending a whole movie waiting for her character to pull her head out of her ass.
- 35Film.comJordan HoffmanFilm.comJordan HoffmanHollow, uninteresting and false.
- 30The DissolveScott TobiasThe DissolveScott TobiasWiig’s new comedy sulks limply along with her, unable to bring the kind of energy that might complement her tendency to underplay every scene.
- 25Tampa Bay TimesSteve PersallTampa Bay TimesSteve PersallIf the first 90 minutes of Girl Most Likely grate and disappoint, wait until the final 10 or so, when directors Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini try covering their maniacally depressive tracks like cats in a litter box.
- 20Village VoiceNick SchagerVillage VoiceNick SchagerGirl Most Likely strands Kristen Wiig in a dreadful, disingenuous city-vs.-suburbs comedy that mercilessly mocks New Jersey before turning around and celebrating its provincial trashiness over the hoity-toity snootiness of Manhattan.
- 0Slant MagazineSlant MagazineShari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini's dismal, D-grade sitcom isn't fit to lick the boots of Whit Stillman's four films.