- rogerebert.com [Roger Ebert]
- Salon.com [Gary M. Kramer]
- San Francisco Chronicle [Amy Biancolli]
- Village Voice [Eric Hynes]
- Washington Post [Sean OConnell]
- Arizona Republic [Bill Goodykoontz]
- Austin Chronicle [Marc Savlov]
- Battleship Pretension [Josh Long]
- Ben Meyers International Movie Critics
- Blu-ray.com [Brian Orndorf]
- Blu-ray.com [Michael Reuben]
- Boston Globe [Wesley Morris]
- Box Office Revolution
- Boxoffice Magazine [Nick Schager]
- Chicago Reader [Ben Sachs]
- Christian Science Monitor [Peter Rainer]
- Christianity Today [Russ Breimeier]
- CinemaOut
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- ColeSmithey.com [Cole Smithey]
- Common Sense Media [Sandie Angulo Chen]
- Derrick Bang on Film [Derrick Bang]
- Film Dilettante [Kay Durbin]
- FilmBoy [Konstantinos]
- Greek
- Filmdagbok [Asbjørn Ness]
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- Films in Review [Victoria Alexander]
- HollywoodSoapbox.com [John Soltes]
- Lights-Camera-Jackson [Jackson Murphy]
- Los Angeles Times [Sheri Linden]
- Mark Reviews Movies [Mark Dujsik]
- Movie Smackdown! [Bryce Zabel]
- Moviefreaking [Christian Ale]
- Spanish
- New York Daily News [Joe Neumaier]
- New York Post [Lou Lumenick]
- NightsAndWeekends.com [Kristin Dreyer Kramer]
- NoSpoilers.net [Frank]
- Orlando Sentinel [Roger Moore]
- Philadelphia Inquirer [Steven Rea]
- ReelTalk [Diana Saenger]
- Slant Magazine [Ed Gonzalez]
- St. Petersburg Times [Steve Persall]
- The A.V. Club [Scott Tobias]
- The Hollywood Reporter [Todd McCarthy]
- The Independent Critic [Richard Propes]
- The MacGuffin [Allen Almachar]
- The New York Times [Stephen Holden]
- The Super Awesome Movie Blog [Jesse Hoheisel]
- Time Out New York [Andrew Schenker]
- Tonight at the Movies [Laurie Curtis]
- Variety [Andrew Barker]
- We Got This Covered [Karen Bernadello]
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