Hirokin: The Last Samurai is a science fiction action drama story that take places on the desert planet Aradius, inhabited by a race of humanoids The Arids, whom were once enslaved by humans, but now live under the cruel rule of the human tyrant Griffin and the film centers around Hirokin, a reluctant human warrior, whom agrees to aid a band of rebels led by Moss, to fight back against Griffin. After Griffin murdered Hirokin's Arid wife and their half human Arid son, as Hirokin fights to avenge them and also fight for the freedom of the people.
Star Wars, Dune and Gladiator.
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- How long is Hirokin: The Last Samurai?1 hour and 45 minutes
- When was Hirokin: The Last Samurai released?November 6, 2012
- What is the IMDb rating of Hirokin: The Last Samurai?3.3 out of 10
- Who stars in Hirokin: The Last Samurai?
- Who wrote Hirokin: The Last Samurai?
- Who directed Hirokin: The Last Samurai?
- Who was the composer for Hirokin: The Last Samurai?
- Who was the producer of Hirokin: The Last Samurai?
- Who was the executive producer of Hirokin: The Last Samurai?
- Who was the cinematographer for Hirokin: The Last Samurai?
- Who was the editor of Hirokin: The Last Samurai?
- Who are the characters in Hirokin: The Last Samurai?Hirokin
- What is the plot of Hirokin: The Last Samurai?A reluctant samurai with a dark past sets off on a mission to fulfill his destiny.
- What is Hirokin: The Last Samurai rated?R
- What genre is Hirokin: The Last Samurai?Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi
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