First off, kudos to Kirk Cameron for speaking truth into the culture at its time of need. I was eager to see this, but waited long after its DVD release before getting around to view it. Unfortunately I found it largely a waste of time.
The film is Cameron's look into America's past to answer the crises that face America today. He finds the answers, but the journey is simply not that interesting. He goes to England, Holland, and Massachusetts to learn about the Pilgrims. There's not much new material here for anyone that knows much about the Pilgrims. There are a few anecdotes that are interesting, but the bulk of it is slow and plodding.
Cameron speaks with a few authorities on history and Christianity, but few are given much time to say anything of any real insight. If you're a Bible-believing, church-attending Christian, you should already know pretty much everything in this movie. If you don't, you need to find a new church.
The content is good, but it is grade-school material. This movie may be a good introduction to the Pilgrims and American history for an elementary-age child, but it is remedial for adults and simply put a waste of time for them.
I was greatly disappointed with this film. I would avoid this one. You're much better off reading a good book or going to bed early.