James is a very aggressive 15-year-old whose attacks on his mother forced her to Taser and pepper-spray him in self-defense, and to send James on a tour of the Fulton County jail in Georgia.
During a tour of the Floyd County, GA, jail, unpredictable Deputy Lyle bullies, coaxes and comforts to help create new futures for a car-jacking gangbanger, a shoplifting party girl, a violent fighter and a granny-robbing thief.
Kyshawn, a 16-year-old gangbanger, physically challenges the officers and inmates at nearly every step of the tour of the Portsmouth County Jail, Virginia.
After 18 year-old Taylor is caught at school, unaware she is carrying someone else's weapons, her only hope for a clean slate is to take part in the youth intervention program at the Chester County jail in South Carolina.
Starting fires, stealing guns and assaulting their mom, baby-faced brothers, Matthew, 12, and Carter, 13, must grow up fast to survive in Dougherty County Jail, in Georgia.
A four-time runaway, sixteen-year old Brittany refuses to back down to inmates or deputies of the Douglas County jail in Georgia, but finds an unlikely ally behind bars.
Caught on video violently attacking his mother, Dylan, a 14-year-old bully, gets a taste of his own brutality during a long overnight stay in South Carolina's Richland County Jail.
Angry sisters Precious, 14, and Keyiona, 17, think they're tough enough for jail, until they are startled to discover a family member serving time at the Oklahoma County jail.
Lexi, 15, is a spoiled, fighting gang member who steals from the poor to give to herself. When she is confronted by a swarm of angry inmates in jail, she physically fights back, launching the entire cellblock into chaos and lockdown.
Tori, an angry 14-year-old bully and thief, meets a devoted deputy in Douglas County, GA, who tries to help open her mind to letting go of her tragic past.
In the epic finale of Beyond Scared Straight, the life-changing series looks back on nine seasons of the explosive encounters, hilarious one-liners, and emotional breakthroughs that reached more than 550 troubled teens.