I was on board for a hot second with this one. I love alien movies and found footage genre type stuff. This, however was lacking in almost all areas that you would expect to find in something described as "is it real?" type genre film.
I find it mildly unbelievable that anyone could actually think that this movie was the real deal or any 'found footage' film for that matter. It's a movie. It's been produced and been shown in theaters, obviously it isn't going to be real. Anyways, what's more awful than that marketing idea was the atrocious acting. I kept waiting for it to get better and for something to actually happen but I couldn't even bring myself to believe in the story because they both were so bad. The woman playing 'Lisa' was probably the worst, however 'Joe or Joel', I could never really tell, was not anymore spectacular. Their chemistry was horrid, their motivation completely irrational and scripted beyond belief, and their reactions to each other and to the events were barely able to be taken seriously.
If you want something to preoccupy your time for a bit then you can watch this but honestly I wouldn't expect anything more than something your friends could put together with a less than stunning hand-held.