Sean Bridgers credited as playing...
Chris Cleek
- Belle Cleek: I never condoned what you did. Never. You just can't keep putting one thing on top of the other and expect to keep getting away with it forever. I've had it.
- Chris Cleek: OK. So what are you gonna do, I mean what is your plan, what? I just would like to know, what the fuck you think you're going to do about it.
- Chris Cleek: [Introducing The Woman to the family] Can't have people running around the woods thinkin' they-re an animal... its not safe.
- Chris Cleek: Dry her off.
- Belle Cleek: Is it safe now?
- Chris Cleek: Yeah. Don't worry!
- Belle Cleek: Says the man with nine fingers...
- Chris Cleek: You can't! You can't! I am so fucking sick of "You can't!" All the women in this family! Your mother, your idiot sister and now you.