- 28 Days Later Analysis [Michael Allen]
- Actionfreunde.de
- German
- Awful Horror Movies [John Moser]
- Best-Horror-Movies.com [Don Sumner]
- Blog do Heu [Helvecio Parente]
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- Bloodbath and Beyond
- Blu-ray.com [Michael Reuben]
- Blueprint: Review [Katy Vans]
- BZFilm
- Canadian Film Corner [Greg Klymkiw]
- Canuxploitation
- Cinema Knife Fight [Stacey Longo]
- Cinema Slasher [Blair Hoyle]
- Curiosity of a Social Misfit [Patrick Challis]
- Dark of the Matinee [Matthew Robinson]
- De Nachtvlinders [Nils Masselink]
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- Death Ensemble [Phil Fasso]
- Die-besten-Horrorfilme.de [Marcus Littwin]
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- Down Among the Z Movies [SteveQ]
- Dread Central [EvilAndy]
- DVD Sleuth [Mike Long]
- DVDpasCher [Florent Gilloury]
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- eFilmCritic [Jay Seaver]
- Entertainment Maven [Matthew Hodgson]
- FEARnet [Scott Weinberg]
- Film Corner, The [Greg Klymkiw - DVD/Blu-Ray]
- Film Monthly [Jason Coffman]
- Filmfenix.se [Sebastian Svensson]
- Swedish
- For It Is Man's Number [Kevin Matthews]
- Freakin' Awesome Network [Michael Coello]
- Full Moon Reviews [Freddie Young]
- Gorepress [Boston Haverhill]
- Gores Truly [Meg]
- HellHorror.com [Michael A.]
- HK and Cult Film News [porfle]
- HollywoodSoapbox.com [John Soltes]
- HORROR 101 with Dr. AC [Aaron Christensen]
- Horror Movie Diary [Maynard Morrissey]
- Horror.com [Staci Wilson]
- Horrorpilot.com [Mick]
- German
- Killer Reviews [GregMO ROberts]
- Love Horror
- MediaMikes.com - Blu-ray [Mike Gencarelli]
- Mondo Bizarro [Alec Pridgen]
- Moria - The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review [Richard Scheib]
- Movie Moxie [Shannon Ridler]
- Moviebreak.de [Thomas Repenning]
- German
- MovieMaze.de
- German
- MOVIES and MANIA [David Flint]
- Near-Dark.de [Mister Riggs]
- German
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