Robert Pugh credited as playing...
- Headmaster: I don't think the f-word has any place in Shakespeare.
- Vivienne Mae: Well, it's actually very old, the f-word.
- Headmaster: It's also very offensive.
- Vivienne Mae: Well, so is Caliban.
- Miss Valentine: Someone has burnt half the fucking school down!
- Headmaster: Language, please.
- Miss Valentine: So let us stop this petty, liberal procrastination and take control of the situation. We are fiddling while Rome burns!
- Headmaster: Um, issues of discipline came up and a concern about language.
- Vivienne Mae: Lanuage? What...?
- [phone rings]
- Headmaster: Excuse me.
- [turns to answer phone]
- Vivienne Mae: [walking away] What fucking language?
- Vivienne Mae: Ah, the goddess on whom the music attends.
- Stella: Sorry I'm late, miss.
- Vivienne Mae: Don't worry, I did your bit for you. You're not indispensable, Stella Joes. Just remember that. Nobody is.
- Headmaster: It won't happen again, Miss Mae. The both of us will be punctual next time. Won't we, *Stella*?
- Miss Valentine: Headmaster, I have made a list of all the...
- Vivienne Mae: Oh, don't tell me. Of all the nasty little troublemakers in the school. Do you hate kids? I mean, is it all kids or is it just the poor ones?
- Headmaster: Miss Mae, Vivienne...
- Miss Valentine: And I've underlined in red all those who have a history of delinquency.
- Vivienne Mae: What about Miss Valentine? Is she the future?
- Headmaster: "O brave new world that has such people in't."