133 reviews
Showtime and everyone who is responsible for this monstrosity should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Imagine this happening to any other group. There would be nonstop outrage on every media outlet until this garbage was removed. When will people learn?
I am canceling my Showtime subscription.
I am canceling my Showtime subscription.
- pensacolacomputer
- Feb 13, 2022
- Permalink
First and most importantly, this show is objectively full of lies, a spiteful combination of hateful "humor" and packed with propagandist education. The thing is, if you're the kind of person who would give this ten stars, you're probably already a hateful bigot. You know what else the ten star ratings and dog whistle-filled reviews have in common? The people writing them are largely who this show is intended for. It's their community being self-harmed by this nonsense.
- thesepeoplesuck
- Feb 13, 2022
- Permalink
"Would have one star... and that is only because you can't do less than one"
Quote: Everything's Gonna Be All White
Very appropriate and representing of this TV series. Thanks for applying yourself amongst your own talking point.
This Docuseries aimed at highlighting extreme racism in America. I would say it 100% succeeded at that goal... just not in the way the series intended.
Quote: Everything's Gonna Be All White
Very appropriate and representing of this TV series. Thanks for applying yourself amongst your own talking point.
This Docuseries aimed at highlighting extreme racism in America. I would say it 100% succeeded at that goal... just not in the way the series intended.
- brandon-yaeger
- Feb 11, 2022
- Permalink
People who make this kind of trash should be ashamed. The entire episode, and I only watched one, consists of black people calling white people the worst names in the book, accusing them of all the evils in the world, and mocking and ridiculing the very people who created the standard of living they enjoy here in America. Hypocrites.
This is disgusting, it does nothing to unite the country, it only divides and angers people and causes resentment and hatred. Racism would have been long dead in this country if it weren't for shows and people like this who constantly pick off the scab because it benefits them while they pretend to want to "help end racism."
Shame on Showtime, shame on everyone who made this, and shame on the people they interviewed.
This is disgusting, it does nothing to unite the country, it only divides and angers people and causes resentment and hatred. Racism would have been long dead in this country if it weren't for shows and people like this who constantly pick off the scab because it benefits them while they pretend to want to "help end racism."
Shame on Showtime, shame on everyone who made this, and shame on the people they interviewed.
So I was just going to leave a 1 star rating but I thought I would also check out others reviews to see if any had the same opinion on it as myself. I scrolled down 6-7 pages and its all 1's apart from three 10's. The 1st called me 'illiterate' the 2nd just assumed I was white and the 3rd said I was part of the problem. This really does sum up the people giving this a 10/10 - Self Rightous!
- kurtisbeacroft
- Feb 16, 2022
- Permalink
Why is it acceptable to produce content that openly insults and targets a group of people based on their skin colour? Racism against white people is no different to racism directed towards any other demographic. Imagine if the roles were reversed here. All hell would break loose!
I hope everyone involved in this docuseries is thoroughly ashamed, because they ought to be. In fact the producers should be prosecuted. All this does is divide people. Well done. Should be zero stars for being complete vile trash.
I hope everyone involved in this docuseries is thoroughly ashamed, because they ought to be. In fact the producers should be prosecuted. All this does is divide people. Well done. Should be zero stars for being complete vile trash.
- saprinaharrison
- Feb 13, 2022
- Permalink
You get more bee's with honey than you do with vinegar. I watched the first episode of this docuseries after watching the trailer online. I read hundreds of the thousands of comments before Showtime removed the comments option on the video. The reason they removed the comments is because every single person of every race under the sun was condemning this disgusting piece of work. They could have spent the money and got some intelligent historians to do an in depth presentation of American history and current events. Instead what they produced was a horrible misrepresentation of the white race and race relations in the United States. The cast was as ignorant as the day is long. DISGUSTING!
- bayjohn-23293
- Feb 11, 2022
- Permalink
This is ridiculous, they're deleting reviews showcasing the atrocity that this show is.
Unacceptable. This show is just pure hatred masqueraded as social justice, which has become a standard for these washed-up actors/directors or whatever. I wouldn't call these people artists, this is not art at all. It's propaganda.
This is straight up racialist to the tenth degree. Generally, in the past, these people tried to at least camouflage their evil intent, but now, they're clear as day. This show is absolutely disgusting and doesn't serve any purpose but to fuel the fires of hatred and create more division. It's not a smart take which delves into the root of racism, it's not supposed to shed light into anything, it's just segregation and resentment in video format.
Deal with it IMDB, deal with it.
Unacceptable. This show is just pure hatred masqueraded as social justice, which has become a standard for these washed-up actors/directors or whatever. I wouldn't call these people artists, this is not art at all. It's propaganda.
This is straight up racialist to the tenth degree. Generally, in the past, these people tried to at least camouflage their evil intent, but now, they're clear as day. This show is absolutely disgusting and doesn't serve any purpose but to fuel the fires of hatred and create more division. It's not a smart take which delves into the root of racism, it's not supposed to shed light into anything, it's just segregation and resentment in video format.
Deal with it IMDB, deal with it.
The creators and participants of this show is doubling down, octupling down, on ridiculing, stigmatizing, shaming and invalidating everybody who doesn't agree with everything in this documentary - in social media and in the documentary. They even include dramatized segments to show how stupid and racist white people are and act.
In other words; it's pointless to disagree, criticize and react negatively to this. Either you agree or you're a racist and if you're non white and disagree - and there's TONS of them out there who do - you're something equivalently bad and evil.
So yeah. You believe ridiculing and shutting down is a winning concept. You can't be wrong about anything. You're bulletproof. Your minds are Fort Knox and your IQ is somewhere above Stephen Hawking. Your narrative is right and everybody else are narrowminded, racist and stupid.
Just imagine that hubris and total void of self-awareness..
But it doesn't matter. Fact is that this type of documentary and this kind of behaviour against people who disagree or dislike, creates more and more division. One thing it doesn't do is change peoples minds, but that's obviously not what this documentary is set out to do anyways.
In other words; it's pointless to disagree, criticize and react negatively to this. Either you agree or you're a racist and if you're non white and disagree - and there's TONS of them out there who do - you're something equivalently bad and evil.
So yeah. You believe ridiculing and shutting down is a winning concept. You can't be wrong about anything. You're bulletproof. Your minds are Fort Knox and your IQ is somewhere above Stephen Hawking. Your narrative is right and everybody else are narrowminded, racist and stupid.
Just imagine that hubris and total void of self-awareness..
But it doesn't matter. Fact is that this type of documentary and this kind of behaviour against people who disagree or dislike, creates more and more division. One thing it doesn't do is change peoples minds, but that's obviously not what this documentary is set out to do anyways.
- TheTexasChainstoreManager
- Feb 16, 2022
- Permalink
That a major TV network spent money on this is an utter disgrace. Everyone involved needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask themselves what on Earth possessed them to participate in one of the worst conceived pieces of "entertainment" ever made. I think most people are getting very sick and tired of race-grifting and the constant stoking division by ridiculous people with nothing better to do, I certainly am. Trash like this isn't making the world a better place, it's making it insufferable.
This show has no other purpose to piss people off and stir division among races, instead of promoting unity, equality and colorblindness (The only true way to erase racism)
The elites love demonizing colorblindess as a way to make people perpetually divided and fighting each other, while they keep killing the planet: They eat our future, while most people are distracted by nonsense like this.
Embrace colorblindness. Judge people, not over their race, but according their quality as human beings.
Obsessing about race is for racists only.
The elites love demonizing colorblindess as a way to make people perpetually divided and fighting each other, while they keep killing the planet: They eat our future, while most people are distracted by nonsense like this.
Embrace colorblindness. Judge people, not over their race, but according their quality as human beings.
Obsessing about race is for racists only.
- elonmusk-is_a_moron
- Feb 12, 2022
- Permalink
I love when these subjective reviews by white people are made the moment they are held accountable for their actions. This is an artistic masterpiece and it's funny, nuanced and much needed! I highly recommend everything watching this because y'all need a reminder why docu-series like these need to be created in the first place.
People love to sugarcoat things and make it seem like racism is no longer a thing, when it is alive and well. I wish that people would just take the time to educate themselves instead of labeling anytime they are held accountable as "this is divisive and hateful". Must watch!
People love to sugarcoat things and make it seem like racism is no longer a thing, when it is alive and well. I wish that people would just take the time to educate themselves instead of labeling anytime they are held accountable as "this is divisive and hateful". Must watch!
For the sake of the nation, I wish I could say this series was riddled with lies. Unfortunately it is a very accurate depiction of racism in our society today. Tens of millions of Americans feel such a strong sense of entitlement. They tout accomplishments of far more intelligent white men who have come before them, as if they accomplished that success themselves.
What I find most troubling is the fact these people will never believe the truth, as it is the polar opposite of the lies they have been told for so many, many years. I believe the proliferation of fake news and outright lies will lead to the downfall of the USA.
Kudos to those responsible for this series!
What I find most troubling is the fact these people will never believe the truth, as it is the polar opposite of the lies they have been told for so many, many years. I believe the proliferation of fake news and outright lies will lead to the downfall of the USA.
Kudos to those responsible for this series!
There's nothing smart about how they went about promoting this. Any real world lessons are undermined by its horrific tone which will damage any message of merit. Racism is racism.
- kaseymoore-36153
- Feb 11, 2022
- Permalink
If I could give this 0 stars, I would. Only made it through the first episode but it's utter bigoted trash. I'm a mixed race POC and I can even see this for the race hustling garbage that it is.
- bsinger-71603
- Feb 15, 2022
- Permalink
Man as a POC, this type of content will only promote more racism towards us. There should be no reason this should have been produced as the way it was. I think all this director shows is his own ignorance of what is happening in the POC community. Most of the issues are self-inflicted. And this show ignores it completely. Stuff like this doesn't help the community. All it does is promote the thing he is against. But then again, he is a racist, who assumes that no one in the POC is capable of making it because of the "white man" is holding us down. He made it, so that clearly isn't the case. Before this director makes another show, I suggest he picks up a history book and actually go out and help the community if he truly cares. He won't.
- jnavarro-66935
- Feb 11, 2022
- Permalink
Why are we going backwards black people!?? Just like we don't want to be generalized, why do we want to be come exactly what we are complaining about. What exactly does this provide to the black community in a beneficial way? It seems like on order for us to uplift ourselves we now have found comfort in tearing down white people?
- livingstonbrianna
- Feb 12, 2022
- Permalink
What a disgusting weaponized piece of trash. How could Showtime allow this?? The racism in this show is so over the top & knock you over the head with a brick. Everyone at Showtime involved needs to be fired. You can't fight racism with more racism.
At first I wasn't sure if it was satire but after seeing the first episode I saw it wasn't. While it is still funny because of how out of touch it is there are some aspects that are quite alarming. It's more about their political view than anything else. I think the idea of judging a person by their race is incredibly out dated this documentary does it throughout the first episode. I will not watch the rest.
- spncrwatson
- Feb 16, 2022
- Permalink
Racism at its worst what a horrible show. Truly one of the most rediculous things out there to watch. Truly repulsive. This is one of the many reasons this country is backtracking. This is one of the many reasons this country as a whole are getting dumber rather than smarter.
- muleface-24183
- Feb 11, 2022
- Permalink
Hiya. Everyone ok? Yeah? That's good. Look, I'm just gonna get straight to the point:
I'm black.
I haven't watched this hot mess of a show.
I rated it 1/10.
I'm black.
I haven't watched this hot mess of a show.
I rated it 1/10.
- Hei_Shibing
- Feb 15, 2022
- Permalink
Make a documentary where the entire premise is centered around hating on part of the global population and painting virtually all of them as trash and evil and what exactly were Showtime expecting out of it? Songs of universal praise and high ratings? As if. This program is hateful, tasteless, and pushes lies that anyone of any race and color can see as insidious brainwashing. Content like this does not unite, it divides.
Good thing I dropped Showtime a long time ago.
Good thing I dropped Showtime a long time ago.
- Darwinskid
- Feb 25, 2022
- Permalink
Let me give you an overview of whats actually happening here.
Corporate elites pushing division to keep us at each others throats while they rob the poor and the middle class via inflation and cheap money from the federal reserve.
Want to know why home prices are so high? Because Black Rock et al can borrow money from the federal reserve for virtually nothing and outbid you and I with cash.
Look passed this everyone. White, Black, Brown or Yellow. We all want the same thing. Happiness and prosperity. And these people are distracting you from seeing the real enemy.
Our elite. Our government.
Corporate elites pushing division to keep us at each others throats while they rob the poor and the middle class via inflation and cheap money from the federal reserve.
Want to know why home prices are so high? Because Black Rock et al can borrow money from the federal reserve for virtually nothing and outbid you and I with cash.
Look passed this everyone. White, Black, Brown or Yellow. We all want the same thing. Happiness and prosperity. And these people are distracting you from seeing the real enemy.
Our elite. Our government.
- babelbearjeremy
- Feb 15, 2022
- Permalink
This show was made with hate and to divide and offend, but people regardless of skin tone unanimously rejected this for the divisive hate baiting race grift it is.
This might be the most vile piece I've been alive to witness. Overtly and shameless bigoted "opinions" presented as fan fiction history. It is everything wrong with society today and will most likely push society back in time.
Every single person behind this should be fired and black listed from all media outlets. Maybe check into a mental health facility and evaluated for a little while? The world must be horrifying to people with such intense imaginary fears and hatred...or this is the biggest load of copium I've ever seen.
Every single person behind this should be fired and black listed from all media outlets. Maybe check into a mental health facility and evaluated for a little while? The world must be horrifying to people with such intense imaginary fears and hatred...or this is the biggest load of copium I've ever seen.
- fyouckzucc
- Feb 16, 2022
- Permalink