11 reviews
Unfortunately most people who approach this issue are drawn to either of the extremes. Anyone who wishes to try to approach the issue from an unbiased critical position is almost always lumped in with the group that is disagreed with.
This film does as good a job as I have seen to present two different opinions. It should be noted that the film is not anti-vaccine so much as it is anti-enforced vaccine. It does not go into scientific detail regarding the process of immunity, side-effects and that sort of thing.
Unfortunately, because we are dealing with children, emotion is a by-product of the discussion. The film presents two opposing views, one from the scientific pharmaceutical community who sincerely believe what they do is for the "greater good", the other is from the scientific practitioners and parents who sincerely believe the vaccine industry carries with it many inherent risks which are not being addressed. Because of the overwhelming positive scientific evidence that is prevalent in our culture, this film takes more time to look into some special cases in which, at the absolute least, vaccines seem to correlate to a worse state than a better one. Whether or not these are only isolated, non-causal cases, you are to determine based on the evidence.
The key point is that information is a good thing. You should not be watching this to confirm your position. You should watch this as a small part of your research into the vaccine dialogue. Truth will always vindicate itself and can withstand any amount of scrutiny.
This film does as good a job as I have seen to present two different opinions. It should be noted that the film is not anti-vaccine so much as it is anti-enforced vaccine. It does not go into scientific detail regarding the process of immunity, side-effects and that sort of thing.
Unfortunately, because we are dealing with children, emotion is a by-product of the discussion. The film presents two opposing views, one from the scientific pharmaceutical community who sincerely believe what they do is for the "greater good", the other is from the scientific practitioners and parents who sincerely believe the vaccine industry carries with it many inherent risks which are not being addressed. Because of the overwhelming positive scientific evidence that is prevalent in our culture, this film takes more time to look into some special cases in which, at the absolute least, vaccines seem to correlate to a worse state than a better one. Whether or not these are only isolated, non-causal cases, you are to determine based on the evidence.
The key point is that information is a good thing. You should not be watching this to confirm your position. You should watch this as a small part of your research into the vaccine dialogue. Truth will always vindicate itself and can withstand any amount of scrutiny.
- timfurtimfur
- Nov 6, 2019
- Permalink
My girlfriend was an anti-vaxxer and i always thought it was so strange she took the most conspiratorial aspects to heart. This really broadens the subject to more concrete economical and political terms that are much more realistic. The science is what scares most people and the misunderstanding of it is what starts the crazies going. Presenting just the facts is enough and this film does that satisfactorily.
A lot of the reviews here are people with their own agenda and biases confirming their own stance and reinforcing their own established position. The video they are reviewing however is an attempt to provide an escape from that kind of thinking by presenting opportunities for each side to acknowledge and agree with each other.
I get it, a lot of people are just looking for attention but the fact of the matter is the issue exists and there are things people can do about it.
So why not make things better for everyone?
A lot of the reviews here are people with their own agenda and biases confirming their own stance and reinforcing their own established position. The video they are reviewing however is an attempt to provide an escape from that kind of thinking by presenting opportunities for each side to acknowledge and agree with each other.
I get it, a lot of people are just looking for attention but the fact of the matter is the issue exists and there are things people can do about it.
So why not make things better for everyone?
This film asks the necessary questions. The stories told are compelling and fascinating. They are sad yet hopeful. Who does pay for vaccine studies? How are those studies conducted? This film doesn't claim to have any answers, it simply poses questions. They let "both" sides of vaccine safety experts share their thoughts. I find it sad that this issue is so polarizing. And that more people don't bother to learn more for themselves. No matter what your opinion is, you will learn something from watching this film.I have no idea how that would make it complete sh*t. Fear is very profitable. From a production point of view, it is very well made and riveting to watch. It reminds me of horrifying documentaries like the Cove, except it's our children who are being hurt. Every should see this film.
- svenskskazie
- Nov 28, 2011
- Permalink
One of the saddest refuges of those wanting to make a buck off the backs of suffering parents, and the naive is the manipulative pseudo-science "debate" based on false equivalence.
This movie is the epitome of half-assing the science coupled with emotive pulling on the heart strings, coupled with "experts" who have no background or rationale in the area they are talking about. I can only assume they hoped if they showed you enough sad stories of parents and children with difficult medical issues you would forget about expecting some evidence, logic or a rational basis for their claims.
If you needed further evidence... the film-maker, Leslie Manookian Bradshaw, is a registered Homeopath. You know... that ridiculous non-medical treatment that claims the more you dilute something the more powerful it gets.... (I guess Dinosaur urine is the most powerful thing on the planet, then)... which was just classed as not a medical treatment by the FDA.
Don't waste your time.
Since I'm not going to waste my time with a breakdown of the various unfounded claims, if you want a more scientific and section by section refutation of this complete crock of a movie... You can find one at the "Science Based Medicine Blog".
This movie is the epitome of half-assing the science coupled with emotive pulling on the heart strings, coupled with "experts" who have no background or rationale in the area they are talking about. I can only assume they hoped if they showed you enough sad stories of parents and children with difficult medical issues you would forget about expecting some evidence, logic or a rational basis for their claims.
If you needed further evidence... the film-maker, Leslie Manookian Bradshaw, is a registered Homeopath. You know... that ridiculous non-medical treatment that claims the more you dilute something the more powerful it gets.... (I guess Dinosaur urine is the most powerful thing on the planet, then)... which was just classed as not a medical treatment by the FDA.
Don't waste your time.
Since I'm not going to waste my time with a breakdown of the various unfounded claims, if you want a more scientific and section by section refutation of this complete crock of a movie... You can find one at the "Science Based Medicine Blog".
- welovethelibrary
- Jan 8, 2017
- Permalink
I have 4 kids, 2 grown, vaccinated & 2 younger who aren't. All the parents want:to haves studies done that ARE NOT being paid for by the drug companies that are making BILLIONS of dollars! Would someone please ask me and other parents of non vaccinated kids to be in a study to see how healthy they are? The oldest 2 with vaccines were sick all the time, on antibiotics at least 1 or more times per month. The youngest 2, who are 15 and 13, have NOT seen a doctor or antibiotic in over 6 yrs! All of their friends and cousins are vaccinated and are sick about every other month! To the person who said this DVD is wrong..Do some research, see what is in the vaccines, ask parents who have not vaccinated their kids.Do you work for a drug company, school system, or state agency (who has funds cut when they do not get the required % of kids vaccinated)? Yes, look it up, State agency's get their funding cut if they do not reach a high enough level of vaccinated kids. Vaccines are not held to the same standard as other drugs! Parents should have the right to informed information, that is not provided and paid for by the companies who are making BILLIONS every year! Also, you may want to look up info on a case in France, that held criminal charges against a drug company that produced the Hep B vaccine, after the government saw how many kids were being permanently damaged! You are uneducated or are making money on the drugs, otherwise you would realize that parents should have the same rights and studies done as you do before taking new drug prescribed to you by a doctor!
- jena1014-727-356581
- Dec 9, 2011
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This truly nauseating, slick anti-vaccine rubbish is full of misinformation, pseudoscience, and distortions. It shows some highly dubious cases of people that it is claimed were damaged by vaccines and trots out an array of cranks and charlatans to support those claims. None of are convincing to anyone with an understanding of how vaccines work.
The film is totally cynical scaremongering scientifically illiterate nonsense.
The very real danger is that the film is so slick at appearing to be neutral, that anyone who isn't well-versed in the science behind vaccines could be taken in by this video.
I wonder how many will fall for the lies in this film and how many children will suffer from dangerous diseases that are preventable by vaccination.
The makers of this film should be held legally responsible for any harm caused by parents deciding not to vaccinate after watching it.
The film is totally cynical scaremongering scientifically illiterate nonsense.
The very real danger is that the film is so slick at appearing to be neutral, that anyone who isn't well-versed in the science behind vaccines could be taken in by this video.
I wonder how many will fall for the lies in this film and how many children will suffer from dangerous diseases that are preventable by vaccination.
The makers of this film should be held legally responsible for any harm caused by parents deciding not to vaccinate after watching it.
My wife and I are in the middle of our research for vaccinations for our children. I came across this movie, and I purchased the five-day stream from their website, and we watched it tonight. It is high-quality and very engaging. Is this movie biased? Yes, it is. However, I also believe it is fair, especially compared to what is fed to us by politics and rich news channels. In the documentary, they present the opinions and thoughts of many different "camps." Unfortunately, those who simply ask for research are so quickly and unfairly placed into the "anti-vaccination camp." However, the main plea of this documentary is not "Stop the vaccinations!" It's "Give us the science, and give us the choice." It does not cram down your throat anti-vaccination propaganda. Instead, it begs for true science to be done so that all parents can make educated choices. Even three years after this movie was released, it is still popular. If true research and science were done, no matter what the conclusion, this movie would be stopped in its tracks. What makes this movie powerful and dangerous to vaccination companies is the emotionally- driven stories of three families. However, this film also gives a seemingly fair voice to the pro- vaccination people, including the presidents of vaccination companies and developers of vaccinations. Of course, we don't have everything they said when the cameras were rolling. Instead, we just have what the production company wanted us to hear. So, what does this mean? Watch this movie with your brain and not your heart. Understand that it was produced for those of us on the fence and is powerful enough to persuade us. I definitely recommend you watch it if you're researching this topic. Watch this movie in ADDITION to your research not AS your "research."
- whikitywhack
- Sep 26, 2014
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Just another example of how pseudo science is dressed up to look like science. No rational evidence is presented for the claims made in the film, just slickly produced emotional propaganda. Sure the families tear at the heart strings, exactly as intended, but few people with any scientific knowledge will swallow the message. The problem is that the public has forgotten what infectious disease can do to unprotected and vulnerable people. The film is without doubt well made and presented but that in itself cannot make up for the fact that it's message could lead to a further reduction in the rates of vaccination and as a consequence, an increase in death and disability especially among the young. Quote "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it" Joseph Goebbels
Before watching this documentary I was completely pro-vaccine, had no doubts at all. I have a PhD in chemistry and was very confident that there was no need to question vaccines. However, after watching this documentary I've now realized that vaccines are not about science, there is in fact no science backing them up, the studies are avoided and in many cases rigged. Vaccines are spreading disease to drive the pharmaceutical market, they spread autoimmune diseases and allergies leaving us on drugs for life, this is how the pharmaceuticals increase the size of their market.
We all know that the pharmaceuticals are unethical companies, yet for some reason we think it's OK to trust them with vaccines, when the reality is that Pharma have the huge conflict of interest i.e they profit when we are sick. It should be of no surprise that they want to inject us with toxic metals, antifreeze, Formaldehyde, aborted fetus, and cells grown in diseased animals.
I feel like I've had my blinkers on, I checked the date of when my Diabetes Type 1 first appeared, it was just 2 weeks after a flu vaccine. I was perfectly healthy until then.
The pharmaceuticals pay people to come here and rank this documentary down, but please please please ignore them, don't be afraid of information, keep your mind open, the documentary looks into both sides of the story, it allows both sides to argue their point. It's one of the most important documentaries you'll watch in your life.
We all know that the pharmaceuticals are unethical companies, yet for some reason we think it's OK to trust them with vaccines, when the reality is that Pharma have the huge conflict of interest i.e they profit when we are sick. It should be of no surprise that they want to inject us with toxic metals, antifreeze, Formaldehyde, aborted fetus, and cells grown in diseased animals.
I feel like I've had my blinkers on, I checked the date of when my Diabetes Type 1 first appeared, it was just 2 weeks after a flu vaccine. I was perfectly healthy until then.
The pharmaceuticals pay people to come here and rank this documentary down, but please please please ignore them, don't be afraid of information, keep your mind open, the documentary looks into both sides of the story, it allows both sides to argue their point. It's one of the most important documentaries you'll watch in your life.
- lucyhill2009
- Nov 13, 2013
- Permalink
This movie wrote itself. Forgettable.
So you anti-vaxxers know about how diseases and infections are transmitted, and how many people died over the last 500 years of infections, smallpox, scarlet fever, plague, pneumonia etc?
Modern medicine has made great strides and we now (on average) live longer than ever.
Are there people who would make money off medicine? Yes. Does this require a conspiracy? No. Just keep in mind big pharma make money and yet overall is helping.
So get innoculations and also hold big pharma and government accountable.
But if you think the answer is to not innoculate your kids, you are doing your children and other peoples children harm.
If you want to help people, investigate the opioid industry.
Incredibly, that now kills more people than alchohol or guns.
- stevefwest
- May 2, 2018
- Permalink
This is a must see documentary. I watched this shortly after my daughter was born and had done extensive research on all side effects of all vaccines up and down. I read books, I asked some Drs and it was watching this documentary that I learned the truth about what the CDC, FDA and the Pharmaceuticals companies don't want you to know and it shows you the life of those who considered "the greater good" or "damaged goods" and for no particular reason. It definitely made me cry. It was enraging to see that no major news channel will even feature this film. I am not anti-vaccine, I am all about EDUCATING YOURSELF and this film is one that will do that. I highly recommend watching it. It's worth any investment of time or money.
- britterbritt
- Apr 17, 2016
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