This is a perfect example how not to make a horror movie. This is boring, has really bad effects and extreme bad make-up effects and stupid situations you just can believe, in fact, this is one of those flicks that are so bad that they, sigh, become good.
The opening sequence you could see it coming that the black girl was going to be attacked but when she asked to her boyfriend for protection before they have love they added a joke, with plastic wrapping paper. Of course the black girl is being attacked and lays naked bleeding on the floor. The end of the intro and the best of this flick. From there on you will see people being attacked by werewolves but their faces are only changed in werewolves. You can see the make-up stop in their neck. You will see a strip bar with girls dancing but they dance so boring and they don't strip, even the bar itself is so cheap that you can see that this is a no-budget flick. They even use blue keys but the key is so bad that it is obvious that it was keyed. Same scene's are taking place in one shot at night, next shot it's daylight. Do I really have to go further? And the strip poker in the car, really? They don't strip at all, just blah blah, only one girl is stripped to her underwear and from that point she even walks like that out of her car that just has hit a werewolf.
I guess I made my point. This is really rubbish.
Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5