The film In Ghost House Inn is a comedy based horror-drama directed by Lal. It is the third film by four Harihar Nagar friends, and it continues the tradition of the prequels.
Thomas Kutty purchased a palace, where already setted for rumours of ghosts and haunted stories. In order to demonstrate that these stories are false, the four friends and their wives took up residence in the palace. They also experienced some disturbing incidents, which prompted them to seek the assistance of a priest. Subsequently, the priest discovered the presence of a ghost in the body of a maid. They all continue to work together to prevent the ghost from manifesting. The director incorporated an evocative twist in the climax, which makes the film engaging.
The film is worthy of recommendation overall. The comedic scenes are an integral part of the narrative and are well executed and entertaining. However, there are instances where the humour falls flat. The performances of the cast are noteworthy. Furthermore, the musical scores were particularly commendable.