6 reviews
Watching this whilst I grew up was amazing. If you're the type of person who watches shows like Merlin and Doctor who, then this show is perfect for you. This is one of my favourite shows of all time and I really enjoyed the show for what it was. Granted the show doesn't care about historical accuracy but the story and the acting was brilliant. All the actors in this series were absolutely amazing. It's a shame that the series never got a third season because I wanted to see Leonardo and Lisa develop further.
- shueib-49731
- Apr 27, 2019
- Permalink
If this program is set in the 1400s, the costume designer needs sacking. Leonardo and one of his young co stars (maybe more)are wearing modern day sneakers. Leonardo was also wearing modern day trousers and belt. One of the other young characters was wearing modern boxer shorts when his braces were sliced by the sword. The character Alberto was wearing modern day woollen beanie and cargo pants. Other characters were wearing leather jackets about 500 years too early, and there was also a BMX bicycle in the background of one scene. I'm only a part time actor and don't need to be a costume designer to pick these things, if I was acting in that show I would be the first to correct the producers.
- davidmcc65
- Feb 7, 2015
- Permalink
Thrilling series. If you like Merlin or Robin Hood or Atlantis or Doctor Who - this is perfect for you. Tons of action, romance, laughter. A proper drama - appeals to all ages. The set - south Africa - is amazing for 15th century Florence. The costumes are great - historical with style! Each episode is guaranteed to have a good storyline, each one written to promote the imagination and give a different side to the characters. The main characters were all from history and the casting choices are brilliant. The music is incredible. They often play modern pop tracks but the series soundtrack is also extremely fitting with the era. ignoring any historical inaccuracies, the drama in the show is wonderful especially the build-up between each episode. Leonardo is a spectacular show with a great story.
- themasterofillusion
- Dec 16, 2013
- Permalink
i stumbled across this series last night, and being a fan of campus, i was thrilled to see Jonathan Bailey, well...act. and the first thing i have to say is, however historically inaccurate it might be, i do love the whole premise of the show - macchiavelli and medichi and da vinci hanging around. great! and i should probably leave it at that, it's a show, nothing else. buuut, it does bother me that leonardo sports some kinds of twentieth century jacket and a hipster-cap for most part of the show, i'm not saying he needs to look like the old portraits of "the great master", but nevertheless, just a tiny, tiny, tiny bit of historical accuracy wouldn't have hurt the show. and even though it's obviously not filmed anywhere near florence, a panorama or two, no matter how computergenerated wouldn't have hurt either. there aren't that many spoilers to give away - you'd had to be more than blind not the see that *that* was a girl, and i assume that the whole "evil brotherhood" will evolve into something later on in the show. over all, i do appreciate it, and i will watch the next show as well, i'll just be one of those that'll be complaining at the same time.
- lupusnensen
- Aug 3, 2011
- Permalink
Another sorry excuse for entertainment brought to you by the participation trophy generation. Like Merlin, another terrible show, the writers have changed a remarkable story into something that one would find at the bottom of an unmaintained portable toilet. It is easier to write garbage than to actually come up with something feasible. Perhaps it is because the participation trophy/whole class valedictorian generation never learned anything, because the truth may have hurt their little sensibilities. This show dishonors Leonardo DaVinci by making him look like an idiot and not a genius. Throwing a few of his better known inventions, that were designed when he was in his 30s and later, into really dumb plots involving a teen show is what this garbage is; I am surprised it lasted 1 year, maybe the Brits really enjoy terrible shows. Even Doctor Who has gone to pot, because it was destroyed by the same caliber of writers.
This has got to be my favourite series of all time. Amazing acting, writing and music, the whole production is beautiful. Anyone complaining about historical inaccuracies clearly doesn't understand the meaning of breathtaking, imaginative and brilliant fictional drama.
There's something about the show that is very RTD Doctor Who era, every episode has the perfect mix of heart, adventure and excitement. Its characters are so charming and a joy to watch and Jonathan Bailey is a leading man like no other. I can't recommend this series enough. I just wish they would make a Series 3!
There's something about the show that is very RTD Doctor Who era, every episode has the perfect mix of heart, adventure and excitement. Its characters are so charming and a joy to watch and Jonathan Bailey is a leading man like no other. I can't recommend this series enough. I just wish they would make a Series 3!
- thetelevisionecritic
- Jul 27, 2020
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