Here's a Ready, Steady, Build! Episode review, which I haven't done before. This is the only episode Sharon Miller has written for the entire Bob the Builder franchise.
So, in this episode, Roley is made the team leader to help refurbish a football pitch. Just like how Thomas is portrayed throughout the Miller era, Roley is portrayed as a raving idiot who does not stop chanting rhymes and doesn't listen to Bob properly on how to do the job, messes up with the other machines three times; and then he says "And it's all my fault" when he gets into trouble just like the T&F characters. As I just stated, the traditional three strikes formula is utilized here as well. I didn't notice it as much as I do with T&F, but it's still there. Ready, Steady, Build! Has quite a number of three strikes-centric episodes.
At least the good thing here is that the rhyming is only done through Roley's chants, and isn't peppered all throughout the episode. However it doesn't make it less annoying.
This episode is not great and isn't worth a watch.