Contrived concerts and after parties, endless "rock" clichés, and slutty older ladies all coupled with horrible new solo material.
The thing about reality TV is that it sometimes needs to be removed from reality to be interesting. The episode in Indy shows us Bret as a man of many values who does not let the after party get too crazy but, just prior to this he explained how he throws a killer bus does that make sense?
The premise of this show is Bret fighting off his former diabetic rocker self in favour of letting Bret the lamed down family man steal the show. This leaves us with all of the details of everyday life wrapped up in a bandanna and poorly chosen graphic tee.
The kids are less than mildly entertaining and Kristi is just the same. I am not saying my life as a child was nothing but champagne and limousines but, this is so slowly paced.
If you have seen Bret before (in concert or otherwise) you needn't use up your 10:30 Monday night time slot or whatever deathtrap this show dwells in.
Entertainment : 1 star
Bandana Usage : 10 stars
Skankity : 10 stars (depends on how you look at it, super slutted up)