I admit it, I'm a bit of a snob. I tend to look a film up on IMDb before I watch it if I have the chance, anything much below a 5 out of 10 doesn't get a look in. I watched The Lamp as it's on my satellite film channel and I had nothing else to do at the time, then I came on here to see where I had seen the male lead before and was shocked by the rating which inspired me to write my own (and first) review to right a wrong. I won't try and appraise the uncomplicated plot as it it well described already.
The Lamp is a real feel good film helped a lot by some convincing acting by Jason London. Though the story doesn't have much in the way of twists, turns, explosions, shootings or martial arts it does do exactly what it says on the tin - I felt genuine affection for the characters and shed a tear or two in the highs and lows of the plot, although if my wife ever reads this review then I was coughing *honest*. I should point out that she was blubbing like a human shower which she likened to her experience of watching Marley and Me ;P
Personally, a good film for me is one where I don't feel aggrieved for the time I spend watching, the next criteria is whether that time could have been spent asleep for the same value, the final and probably the most important is that I am not shouting at the screen after the finale because of a rushed or incomplete ending. In all cases The Lamp passes the test, it has a beginning middle and end and after the end you can walk away feeling that this particular saga is complete without pondering on any loose ends or unfinished business.
So, if you like a movie that gives you a warm feeling with all loose ends wrapped up, watch The Lamp. There won't be any sequels and I doubt whether they will release it on 3D Bluray but I'm damn sure its worth a better score than it has at the moment especially when you compare it with other films with much larger budgets and higher scores.