I read a lot of the past reviews and yes there are areas in this movie that are at times confusing and yes we can not clearly understand every word our hero is saying and heck yes some of the special effects are very badly done. The plot was not exactly clear either. However that all being said, I must say that when I sat down to watch this I wasn't expecting an academy award winning, Oscar taking movie, no I was simply expecting the old style martial arts movies from the old days,and yes, even a Bruce Lee style movie, and for me that is exactly what I got. I have yet to sit down to a martial arts movie and expect an Oscar, no I expect great fight scenes and this movie has that for sure. We don't get a choppy fight scene where the screen cuts from one angle to another after every punch to hide the fact that the stunt person is actually doing it, no this movie lets you see a continuous flow of action during the fights and not close up on the face or arm or leg but on the whole body in motion. The main actor here might not have been a Bruce Lee cause there will never be another Bruce but as far as his fighting style on screen he would make Bruce proud. Visual physical poetry in motion. It's true I give this movie a 5 which is good, and thats just because of the great fight scenes.