- Jason Carvey: [as he's dying] We have to finish the movie.
- The Voice: [raising his knife] Who gives a fuck about movies!
- Ethan Landry: [after stabbing her in the side] GOTCHA!
- Tara Carpenter: [Takes her knife and stabs him through the mouth and twists it] Now die a fucking virgin.
- The Voice: [to Gale, over phone] Strange that you and I have never spoken on the phone. This is long overdue.
- Sam Carpenter: [after stabbing Detective Bailey] My father was a murderer, and I'm better than that. But you did fuck with our family, so...
- [stabs him in the eye killing him instantly]
- Ethan Landry: I always wanted to stick something in you Tara.
- Tara Carpenter: Fuck you!
- Ethan Landry: FUCK YOU!
- The Voice: [over the phone] Hello Detective Bailey. I've got one question for you.
- Detective Bailey: Oh yeah, what's that?
- The Voice: What's your favorite scary movie?
- Detective Bailey: [chuckling] Favorite scary movie?
- The Voice: I'm asking because you're in one now. You're in my movie.
- Detective Bailey: [shoots two mannequins in the head; notices the ghostface costume that belonged to Billy Loomis is gone] Oh, I see you've put on your true face. Your birthright. Poetic that you're gonna die in it.
- The Voice: This is what you wanted, isn't it?
- Detective Bailey: Now you know the truth, huh? Murderers in your blood. Stop fuckin' and show yourself!
- The Voice: Be careful, what you wish for.
- Detective Bailey: All right, I'm a fuckin' police officer, how do you think this is going to go, Sam? Who do you think they're going to believe, huh?
- The Voice: Probably the one who's still alive.
- Sam Carpenter: What happens next? What, after you're done with us, what, you just disappear?
- Detective Bailey: No, we gotta hurry over to the hospital and make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through, because EVERYBODY DIES, SAM! Everyone who had anything to do with the death of my son! SUFFERS AND DIES! Now, put on the mask.
- Sam Carpenter: [about Richie] He was... he was so pathetic.
- Detective Bailey: [gets offended] That's not true!
- Sam Carpenter: Yeah, your son. He was a man-baby, who made his girlfriend do all the killing.
- Detective Bailey: He was a strong, feral young man!
- Sam Carpenter: He was a limp dick little f-ck, who cried, before I slit his throat.
- Sam Carpenter: I'm gonna need this.
- [plunges a knife out of Kirby's stomach]
- Kirby Reed: Fuck him up!
- Ethan Landry: What are you going to do about it, bitch?
- [Sam starts stabbing Ethan]
- The Voice: I'm sorry about your boyfriend. All those muscles didn't help him.
- Gale Weathers: They sure didn't.
- Jason Carvey: [Over the phone as Reggie] The person I'm looking at isn't waving, they're just staring at me. Okay, this is werid. Um, he moving towards me.
- Laura Crane: Are you okay?
- Jason Carvey: Oh shit, he is following me.
- Laura Crane: I don't see anybody.
- Jason Carvey: Holy shit, he is after me! He's got a knife! And the worst part... The worst part is
- [activates a voice changer and speak to her as Ghostface]
- Jason Carvey: ... you teach your class about slashers, and you still walk down a dark alley, alone...
- Laura Crane: That's not funny.
- Jason Carvey: [In ghostface voice] Heh... No, it's not.
- Gale Weathers: [as she answers a call] Hello?
- The Voice: Let's play a game.
- Gale Weathers: You know, you're like the tenth guy to try this, right? It never works out for the dipshit in the mask.
- The Voice: Maybe. But there's never been one like me, Gale. I'm something different.
- Quinn Bailey: Do you know how easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?
- Kirby Reed: [Sitting down next to Kirby, who's looking at the television set that killed Stu Macher] The T.V. that killed Stu Macher.
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: If you believe he's dead.
- Kirby Reed: I hear you're a horror fan.
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: It's been said.
- Kirby Reed: Mm-hmm. Best "Nightmare on Elm Street".
- Kirby Reed, Mindy Meeks-Martin: The original.
- Kirby Reed: Best "Friday the 13th"?
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: [at the same time as Kirby] Part 2.
- Kirby Reed: [at the same time as Mindy] The Final Chapter.
- [Mindy looks at her, oddly]
- Kirby Reed: Had a crush on Corey Feldman.
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Okay. Respect. "Psycho II" is...
- Kirby Reed, Mindy Meeks-Martin: --underrated.
- Kirby Reed: Candyman. The Original or Requel?
- Kirby Reed, Mindy Meeks-Martin: Both!
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Okay. Okay. Game recognized game.
- Jason Carvey: [thinking he's talking to Greg] I'm sorry, okay? I just got massive blue balls. I had to practice. Please don't be mad... How mad are you?
- The Voice: Oh... I'm not mad, Jason.
- Jason Carvey: Dude... We said we wouldn't use the voice on each other.
- The Voice: We said a lot of things.
- Jason Carvey: This is Greg, right?
- The Voice: [laughing] Who else would it be?
- Jason Carvey: Where are you? I wanna tell you about it. By the way, we should go to the frat party. Tara's there.
- The Voice: What was it like?
- Jason Carvey: Not on the phone, man. And seriously... turn off the fucking voice modulator.
- The Voice: I'm just trying to get the voice right, you got to have your practice, I get mine. Just tell me, what it felt like. And then maybe I'll come out.
- Jason Carvey: Dude, I know you're not here...
- The Voice: Humor me.
- Jason Carvey: Alright, fine. It was even better than we could have imagined. And when the knife, went in her, it's like... she wasn't a human anymore. Just an animal. And everytime when I went in, she was less... Less human... And then? She was... just meat.
- The Voice: But she wasn't just meat, Jason... She was a person, our film professor.
- Jason Carvey: Yeah, well... Fuck her.
- The Voice: Let's play a game.
- Jason Carvey: Ah, shit...
- The Voice: You know "warmer colder"? Come on, find me, and then we're going to gut the Carpenter sisters.
- Jason Carvey: [notices "Greg" is watching him through the cameras] Are you using the fucking cameras?
- The Voice: Yeah, the cameras. And at the moment, you're very, very cold.
- Jason Carvey: Alright douchebag... Let's play.
- [he enters one of the rooms]
- The Voice: COLD.
- [Jason walks down the hall]
- The Voice: Heating up... Warm...
- [Jason looks at the closet]
- The Voice: Warmer...
- [Jason opens the closet, which turned out to be empty]
- Jason Carvey: [He walks towards the kitchen] Alright, you know what? This is stupid... I'm gonna hang up now.
- The Voice: But you're getting warmer.
- [Jason steps away slightly from the fridge]
- The Voice: Colder.
- Jason Carvey: [opens the fridge, where he finds Greg's dismembered body] Ah! What the f-ck?
- The Voice: [appears behind Jason and stabs him in the back] Do you feel like an animal, Jason?
- [Wayne repeatedly stabs Jason in the stomach as he screams in pain]
- The Voice: Like... Meat?
- Jason Carvey: But, we have to finish the movie...
- Ethan Landry: It's not enough to just kill someone these days. You have to assassinate their character first. So when dad here discovers your horribly mutilated body, posts Sam wearing your father's mask, he'll say some sort of bastards on the Internet, that you're the real Ghostface and took matters into their own deluded hands.
- Quinn Bailey: Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro into the villain? How easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?
- Detective Bailey: I built a tribute to my son. Which is why this is where you have to die, Sam. Surrounded by all the things he loved the most.
- Ethan Landry: Mindy was right. It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean, all I had to do to meet you is room with a conceited, condescending Alpha literally named Chad. FUCK it felt good to kill him.
- Ethan Landry: [at the warehouse shrine] Um... Why am I here exactly? My alibi checks out.
- Chad Meeks-Martin: So I can keep an eye on you, roommate.
- Detective Bailey: I just got a call from the Atlana field kirby doesn't work for the FBI anymore she was fired 6 months ago for being mentally unstable.
- Tara Carpenter: How'd you get past what happened to you?
- Kirby Reed: I almost died after I was stabbed. Technically, I did die... for 4 minutes. When I recovered, I got mad. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life being afraid of monsters. I wanted the monsters to be afraid of me.
- Tara Carpenter: I like that.
- Gale Weathers: [Running up to the group] Hey! You okay? I came as soon as I heard.
- Sam Carpenter: [Annoyed] Gale, I swear to God!
- Gale Weathers: No! Truce, okay? I'm here for whatever you need.
- Sam Carpenter: Okay, nice try.
- Gale Weathers: Really, I am. Fine, off the record, okay?
- Sam Carpenter: [Relenting] Okay. Thank you.
- Tara Carpenter: [to Gale] Um... sorry I punched you.
- Gale Weathers: No, you're not.
- Tara Carpenter: I'm not.
- [smiles]
- Gale Weathers: [to Detective Bailey] You're the cop, right?
- [He nods]
- Gale Weathers: I did some digging on your first two victims and I found something. I know where the masks are coming from.
- Detective Bailey: Show me.
- Kirby Reed: [Approaching the group] Ladies.
- Gale Weathers: Kirby?
- Kirby Reed: Gale!
- Sam Carpenter: She's with the FBI
- Gale Weathers: She's a child. When did they start letting children into the FBI?
- Kirby Reed: I'm 30.
- Gale Weathers: Well, you look like a zygote.
- Kirby Reed: I have a gun, Gale.
- Gale Weathers: Fine. You're gonna want to see this, too.
- Detective Bailey: Do either of you have anyone that might want to target you?
- Tara Carpenter: Not anyone who's still alive.
- Detective Bailey: Yikes.
- Billy Loomis: Come on, Sam, you got to be excited to get out murder on again. Together. Billy and Sam. Team Loomis. Get ready to slice up more motherfuckers.