The story if you can call it a story, no you can't call it a story. Things happen, words are spoken, more things happen but there is not really a story. It may need to be watched several times to sort out just what is happening. I think that the visuals are happening so fast yet the story doesn't progress very quickly. This is what causes so much confusion when watching it. You're constantly looking for a point of reference but it's away with the fairies the whole time. Things don't really connect very well, like the director wasn't really sure what the story was supposed to be. You're left to try and piece together what you're seeing, into something vaguely coherent. It's kind of annoying if you get caught up in needing to know what is going on. Ultimately I think we are seeing the confusion that the lead male is experiencing as the events of the film go on around him. See that's what this is like. It's a wonderful world of what's going on the whole time. I'm not sure it makes for a good movie in the end but it's interesting to watch.