Hector is a deep seas fisherman, taking the money but also the risks for collecting shellfish off the seabed for the owner of the boat. When he was single he could do this a few times a week but not with a family and more demands he needs to do it daily. His wife Rosa worries that she will either lose him to the sea or lose him due to the stress on their relationship, either way leaving her with a young son.
This short is only 10 minutes long but with small touches it brings you into the situation of Hector and Rosa, involves you in the stresses of their lives and relationship and makes you interested. What this means is that although the film is low on action, you are interested and you do care so when the tensions come, you are there with them. The film doesn't build this into a huge melodrama or dramatic conclusion of wailing and fireworks, but instead just delivers a small slice of life where family is the core of the scene; it does this in a convincing way with two very natural performances from Madera and Cortes. I thought that the video camera device was perhaps lingered on too long and took up too much time for what it was, but still I liked the material done during and as a result of these scenes.
Technically the film looks very good, with rich images and colors – whether it be in the small home or in the small boat. The sound is clear and generally the construction of the film is very professional and well done. It is not amazingly impact but it is a nicely contained and delivered drama which easily draws you into the characters and the situation, making the film engaging and pleasing.